
Showing posts from March, 2023


BE THANKFUL .      It all happens for the good of you. 👏Many times, when confronted by challenges and the trouble of this life, we tend to gramble and forget all that has been done in the past.👏 It is a similar thing ; we see how God endeavors and toils to bring the Israelites out of Egypt.👏 When they are out of Egypt, they are confronted with various challenges👏. And because of the trouble they come to realize, they start to gramble and curse the leadership of Moses.👏 They forget the good things that have been done and concentrate on the troublesome times they are having.👏 Everything happens for the good of those who believe.👏 Everything happens for the good of your future.👏 You may think the challenge is too alien and beyond you, but it is the right tool God is using to push you to higher realms.👏 You can't avoid challenges at any level of your life. I will say that and say that again and again.👏 Don't think the rich are in a heaven where nothing bother


ENTHRONED ABOVE.    Christ did not only come for one thing👑. He did not just come to die for our sins and that is all.👑 He didn't come to pay the price and that He was done with it all.👑 There is more that He brought to us than we have tapped into👑. One thing is that He made you a child in a kingdom above.👑 Many times while looking at the rest of the world, we think we are like the world.👑 We think that we have the same privilege.👑 My dear, there is a somebody that Christ brought to you that is more than the world. He has put us above the world. 👑He has enthroned us above the world.👑 The world may seem ruling and running the course and as if we don't fully participate, that can't mean that they are above us...that they are above heaven.👑 There is a key of heaven that Christ gave unto us.👑 We are in full control.👑 You have the freedom to tap into the resources that you need with ease. 👑 You have the power to open wide the doors that you desire👑. You


THE GREAT PRIVILEGE .      Because of the enormous level of challenges that we face,🥭 we tend to think that we are all alone and that nobody cares.🥭 Because of the high rate at which our lives move from mountain to mountain, we feel nothing but a feeling of abandoned🥭. A feeling that whatever has crossed your life will over ride you to death.🥭 The good news is, they are just feelings and not realities. No Angel came to you to say that you are lonely🥭. No prophesy came to you to say that you are nothing🥭. No word within the Bible says that you will face all sorts of challenges and you will be overtaken by them.🥭 You as a child of God have great bunches of privileges that you need to take advantage of.🥭  There is more that God has set for you than what has come against you.🥭 There is a future that is bigger than the present .🥭 The present may present trouble and persecution, but the future is different.🥭 The present presents a challenge, a mountain that seems unbre


PAINS TURN TO PLEASURES.      The ether is a beautiful place where souls swim. 🍍 The universe has rules and regulations that govern her. She is fair to all that live in her.🍓 The ether gives to every soul what it deserves without more or without less....just the right measure. 🍍 What you sow is what you reap.🍓 There is no gaming here. 🍍The cosmos has no short cuts for attaining whatever we wish without pains. 🍓There is always a sacrifice that you are supposed to give before you attain what you need. 🍍There is a pledge that you are supposed to pay before a definite attainment of pleasure.🍓 Every pain is attached to a success.🍍 This means that no pain stands alone.🍓 There is a success behind that pain. It also means that every success story has a painful journey. 🍍Many see the fruits of success in others without considering what they had to sacrifice before such attainment. 🍓 Your tears lead somewhere pleasing.🍍 There is always a reason as to why you cry and as t


SPREAD YOUR WINGS AND FLY.     When born, it has got Less energy🦚. It barely does anything. It is the mother to feed it.🦅 It is the mother to train it's legs to step and make steps.  But as the mother gives it tries its wings 🦚. At one point the mature mother bird pushes her off the nest to fly and find new horizons.🦅 🦚A story was told , that long time ago, there was a king who had his birds. One day, one of his birds fell sickly.🦅 It hanged on a certain branch and never attempted to fly. Even when the king tried to push it off, it was rigid. 🦚 The king called all sorts of magicians to heal this bird, give it strength and let it fly. All these magicians failed.  🦅One day, a man that trains birds was passing by. The king requested the man to help make his bird to fly. 🦚The king promised many things for the man if he made the bird fly. 🦅 The bird trainer never did anything much 🪼. He simply cut the branch on which the bird sat and the bird started


IT IS WRITTEN .      There is more to the word than to its physical reality.✒️ What has been, had been written. In the beginning God spoke and everything was formed. He had the word🖌️. In the beginning was the word.🪔 The word was with God.🪶 The word was God. ✒️The word became flesh.🖌️ 🪔Before you were formed in your mother's womb, God knew you🪶. He knew your name . ✒️He knew all that you go through now.🖌️ He didn't not just know it by mind....but also by writing.🪔 Your destiny is written. 🪶 God knew the end from the beginning.✒️ The writing about you are plain truth.🖌️ Even the Bible has what we know.🪔 The heavens have more.🪶 They are all written.✒️ Scribbled is the word that says; you will live to see the hand of God fully moving in your life.🖌️ You will not die before you become a great witness of the marvelous deeds God is yet to do in your life.🪔 It is written that God's plan is to make you happy not to make you sad.🪶 That your days on earth


SURVING THE STORM .     Life is land that is filled with different atmospheres🌊. It has different terrains at different angles at different times.🌊 There are terrains that are flat and good for movement. There are terrains that are sharp and cutting.🌊 There are those that are mountainous and seem lengthy to walk through due to their ups and downs.🌊 The mountainous terrains strain movement....but then, they are not permanent.🌊 When terrains change and it's storm on seas. You need something to cross over. 🌊You need to survive the storm.🌊 Peter and the other disciples of Jesus had gone over to their boat and were crossing the sea. Jesus being left behind had to follow them on water.🌊 He walked  over the sea.🌊 When a storm came against the boat, Peter and others were frightened as they also saw Jesus walking on the waters🌊. Peter with confidence demanded that he may walk on the sea as he approached Jesus.🌊 After a while on the sea, the storm frightened Peter.🌊 H


MAKE EVERYTHING NEW .     Within scripture, it is. Said that God has...He has made everything new. 💠That forget about the former things and focus on the things that have been made new.💠 The making new is there, but there is a definite strategy that we also have to play to make everything new.💠 God has much that He plans towards our lives.💠 He has promises that He has made for us.💠 Promises that are to make you a better person in every angle of this life that He presents on Earth.💠 One thing I have seen is that many of these promises cannot pass unless we have changed💠. When we don't change, we still hold the former things to heart.💠 We still let the former devils run our lives.💠 When we don't change we still let our hearts think of the former failures and former bad mouths that have spoken ill against our lives. 💠 There is a person that you need to leave behind in order to fully embrace God's promises in your life. 💠There is a life that you need to forget about i


REMEMBER YOUR BEST DAYS. We have times we feel sad and all tired.🧍🏿 We feel demotivated and are not willing to take on life.🌱 These times come especially when someone else has discredited our efforts.🧍🏿 We feel loss of energy. And because of this, we decline to make moves and take on our dreams.🌱 On the other hand, there are days we had the energy to move no matter the says of the people around us🧍🏿. We moved on energized. We moved on motivated. We had all it takes to pass the challenge that were before us in those days.🌱 We felt in high spirits and were unstoppable.🧍🏿 Imagine those days. Whenever, we loose the energies and the motivation to move on , we have lost the memories of those good days. 🌱To regain similar motivation, we need to remember the best days of our lives. Remember the times when you were unstoppable🧍🏿. Remember the times you conquered everything that was before you. 🌱Remember the times you overcame what was your life's biggest mountain


TIME TELLS THE DIFFERENCE.      Many times we are confronted by people who insult us⚜️. They say to us why we do certain things...and why we don't do certain things.⏰ They ask questions as to why we don't move in the direction they are moving.⚜️ They see us taking different directions and yet seem not moving on⏰. And as for them, they are moving on at higher speed using their other different direction.⚜️ It is not about taking similar directions that makes us Excel⏰. It is not about copying what others are doing that makes you succeed with speed.⚜️ The journey and the destiny your heading for has its own speed and it's own fruits compared to those of other people. ⏰ We are racing against others⚜️. We are not working hard daily to compete and see who goes first. ⏰No⚜️. The journey that we are all moving is different and has different purpose. ⏰ You may have taken a route that you prefer to carry on your life⚜️ according to God's will, you don't have to wo


THE REASON YOU LIVE.        God spoke His word and everything came to be. 🦕He did not only think of making you but also He himself came down to mold you into what He will later call His best piece.🍃 He did all these things with a purpose. The purpose was from the ancient times and it still stands now.🦕     Everything God made is with strong reason🍃. You have a strong reason as to why you are here. There is more that God expects from you that has made you live on till this moment.🦕 Do you know the reasons as to some people die and leave you still alive here . The reason is simple.🍃 They have accomplished their purpose on earth. The divine purpose as to why they lived has been accomplish. This clearly means that those who still live on have still their purpose alive🦕. There is something and many things that they still need to accomplish in this world. 🍃 The world may seem noisy and seem troublesome. You may be tossed to every corner of the world.🦕 Challenges will seem unending i


ENJOY LIFE.        🌳There is just but one thing that am certain about God. It is one of the things that keep me energized and still moving.🏮 It makes me forget all my challenges and focus on the life that is before me.🌳 God wants us to enjoy life to its fullest. This gives me fuel . 🏮 He always plans to see us have enough of what His created life on earth can offer us.🌳 God in His heart never wishes us bad. He never wishes you to suffer without cause🏮 . He never loves seeing you groan. His ultimate desire is for you to have peace....and have it in abundance.🌳 His ultimate plan is towards enjoyment of all lives in all realms including the earthly realm.🏮 Giving your self heart to think of trouble all the time doesn't please God. You think of trouble until you think God is unable to rescue you. 🌳You think of challenges until you think God has forgotten all about you.🏮 It is not in your power to decide what challenges come your way as you pursue given paths🌳. An


LISTEN TO THE STILL VOICE There is an idea that you have, but there is somebody that tells you no...this will not work!. 🙌 Many times we tend to seek for knowledge from other people about what we want to do🙌. Yet many times what they say lets us down. 🙌 🙌Everyone has their own opinion about different things. 🙌They will tell you something depending on their own fears. 🙌They will give you options depending on their own failures. 🙌They will do that using their own weakness🙌. They will tell you that is not possible because they fear they have never tried it out.🙌 Or they did try out but they failed.🙌 🙌People will not understand what you are all capable of doing.🙌 They are not aware of what God has put into you🙌. They will speak according to what God has put in them...I mean their strengths and  Weaknesses but may not know all that God has put in you. 🙌  🙌Yes , it good to seek their view about that. To find a wider base for opinions, 🙌But the still voice should


OVERCOME LEARNED HELPLESSNESS The state of thinking that you are unable to control the outcomes of a situations that cross your life. 🐢You sit back and simply watch things move on🐢. You relent to taking actions on the events of your life. It's learned helplessness.🐢 Much of the time, the results of such actions leads to self doubt, self humiliation. 🐢You feel you cannot do anything about your future.🐢 You feel your circumstance is driven by natural factors and that you are not a participant.🐢 Because the illness has become your closest friend, 🐢and you feel have moved to all the doctors known for quality medication; you think you have nothing left but instantaneous death.🐢 And though the death takes long to pass by, you feel you have nothing to do in this life other than sit and push life.... pushing without dream.🐢 The helplessness is nothing but the tricks of the mind.🐢 It is where the devil leans to tilt the purpose God has for your life. It's a trick to render you


YOUR FUTURE IS CERTAIN.    Just because you have tried many things and have failed with the many things, the sight before you starts to get blurry🍁. You begin not to see clearly what is ahead of you. You start to doubt about the dreams that you hold. 🥬 One thing I have learnt is that🍁 , it is not the many challenges that we face that dictate to God what He should design for you🥬. It is the design God has that dictates the challenge that you should encounter. 🍁 This clearly means that God first designs and then the effects manifest.🥬 One effect is the challenges that we face. 🍁 Where you are is the rightful lane that leads to where you should be.🥬 If it is that God first designs and then the challenges come as the the obvious;🍁 then what you face is the obvious effects of the design God has for your life.🥬 You are on the right road map.🍁 You are standing where God knew you would stand because of the purpose that He has set in your life.🥬 The future is certain.


STRENGTHENED DAY BY DAY.       It could be so, that we get energy from food.✊ That what we take into our bodies is what gives us power to do our daily work.🌳 ✊The word of God says that man shall not live on bread alone but also on every word that comes from the mouth of God.🌳 This clearly means that living on is not by food alone✊. That being energized to work every day is not by what we take in physically.🌳 Living on is also by things that are not visible in our world. ✊ 🌳We can live on by the unseen.✊ 🌳There is something that strengthens the successful and makes them move everyday with all the energies.✊ There is something that pushes them daily to move .🌳 It is something unseen.  They move not by sight , but by faith.✊ Faith being a substance of things unseen. 🌳It is moving on with vision. It is moving on with the small inner voice that tells you that you will make it today.✊ It is moving on with belief that you can make it through...that you are able...and that a


OVERCOMING FEELINGS OF EMPTINESS    Many times, because of frustration, many of us feel nothing about ourselves.🍓 Because we see others going ahead of life faster than we do, we feel empty.🍓 Because we see that some other people that we have come across with through different sorts of social interactions,🍓 resemble us and have similar characters as to ours and yet they seem doing better than us, we feel we are no better than anybody. We feel we are nobodies.🍓 We feel empty.🍓 The world through various technologies has made the world a global village and meeting people that challenge your being is easy and yet much frustrating than before.🍓 Emptiness is one thing that comes into us. 🍓 It is one thing that tells you that there is no difference with you. 🍓That you have nothing you bring to this world. Your being here is by chance and you are not different.🍓 And that are not different from those else where on the globe.🍓 It's all a virtual feeling. True to that, y


RUN YOUR OWN RACE.     Because others are seeming to succeed and go ahead of you, you , after the study of them, give excuses as to why they have succeeded and why you can't succeed like they have.🎍 It is so surprising how we always put forward reasons as to why we haven't achieved what we were supposed to achieve.🪺 Because you haven't achieved that like the other people, you start to say that they are more educated than you are. 🪸You say that you have a wife and a child but for them they don't have.🎍 Because your wife and your children have made you responsible but the other people are not responsible. 🪺That your responsibilities are your set backs....(whatever dictionary you use to define responsibilities; you are being cooked alive and will soon be feasted on dinning tables of vocabulary for the uninitiated). 🪸Any one God sent on earth, He gave responsibilities and everyone is responsible. 🎍  You say that they have wealthy relatives, and for you - you don


WHAT TO DO WHEN DISAPPOINTED     Many times, many of us get disappointed💔. It is in nature that we meet disappointments and set backs. 💔Someone will not act as per your expectations. Something will not go as per planned. 💔Your businesses will slip at an unexpected time. Some people will tell you or behave not like you expect.💔 It is not the things that you see that are disappointments, it is the things that you hold in mind that make you see disappointments💔. The disappointments are so because we expect. We expect alot from the environment and it turns out that the environment gives us little.💔 It is the standard of mind set that brings about that. But however much we may trigger the mind, still we will not Dodge disappointments for good. 💔There will still be a time that we become disappointed. If the scripture says that in this world we will face many trials, it means as challenges are part of life so are the disappointments.💔 💔But how do we deal with them.💔💔💔


THE TRAGEDIES OF ASSUMPTION Many times we have fallen prey of certain situations due to the images we draw in our minds🌸. And many times we have lost different forms of opportunities because of assumption.🌸 Assumption is an illusion that the brain draws basing on the little it knows. It doesn't mean that what is assumed is a fact.🌸 There was a man who was heading to a an important place. He reached the place and started by greeting the people that were at his disposal.🌸 He greeted the first person, went to the second one. Like that. When he came across a certain man, the man didn't bring out his hands for shaking.🌸 The man was transfixed and never paid important attention to this man greeting. He seemed as if he never desired the greetings. 🌸He didn't show whether he was angry or not happy with the man passing by to give him greetings. He was simply transfixed. The man continued with the greetings and  the shaking of hands was done. He went to have a seat .🌸 He was


THE BORDER OF TERRIBLE WORLDS.     A thin line separates the two. It is thin but powerful.🌍 Whenever people jump from one place to another, there are differences and fruits that are witnessed. 🍁 The heart decides, " let me be hard-working and let me not listen to any other word....just work"; the fruits from such a world of mind are incomparable to the former ones. 🍓The person realises drastic change in wealth, wisdom and discipline. Word discipline relates to disciple. 🌍Even looking at the word ,you will see the other letters. It means with discipline, you are able to disciple your heart.🍁 You are able to disciple your desire. You disciple your own future. It is discipline.🍓 Later on , the heart says , "oh...we have worked, let's sleep and enjoy. Let's not be bothered and be so ambitious....this is enough" . 🌍The world changes, what was wealth starts to go down. What was discipline starts to become aimlessness. Even the relationships the


  BUILDING FROM THE BROKEN PIECES.      He does it well.🏕️ He kneads the clay and has it ready as desired. Yes! It is ready now. He maps out all sketches that are desirable for his masterpiece.🏕️ He molds the masterpiece. Day and night, he works hard to have it smart. He designs it for more than a month of hard work.🏕️ Finally the day comes when he is supposed to show his works to his audience🏕️. He gently places the masterpiece on table for clear view. Slowly by slowly...he drives the system to the platform for view.🏕️ Like lightning strikes a house whereas the owner knows nothing as of yet ,  catastrophe that beats like the Spartacus - the Thracian gladiator, befell!. 🏕️ The masterpiece was all down to earth with not a single trace of hope. Everyone was baffled.🏕️ The Potter himself was mind blown. He felt like folding into thin air. 🏕️ Nevertheless, he picked up the broken pieces to start again🏕️. He never lost his vision. He knew something small needed to be do


      BE BOLD IN BABYLON.      The Israelites being taken to captivity didn't mean captivity of exhibition. 😠Them being in Babylon didn't mean them being "nobodies." Daniel, one of them was wise and intelligent. 🤷 Daniel set alot of influence on the Babylonians that he became one of the most famous people in that country and a leader👌. He never shied away from exhibiting his skills and talents....rather he used them for the good of the chosen people - Israel.🙅🏿‍♀️ He did that until a time where idol worship; which was dorminating the whole territory was seen as nothing.💁 It reached a time where the people of Babylon started to worship the God of Daniel. 🙋 Besides Daniel; Meshach, Abdnego, and Shadrach were people who never shied away from who they were. ☺️They too showed their true selves in a land that was full of provokers and people who couldn't hear the faith of the three.🙂 Nevertheless, they did whatever God told them to do.🤗 These peopl


      STRETCHING YOUR UNSEEN MUSCLES.     To accomplish a desired end, there is a group of tissues that are mobilized. 💢The spirit has its form of tissue. You cannot lift up the weight that is before you if your muscles are not stretched. 💢They have to be activated. Most importantly ,they have to have the skill and know how to accomplish the task.💢 One does not accomplish a task without the use of all elements of human. The element of the spirit,💢 body and soul have to be active so as to accomplish a task. But like we said, that as the body has its own tissues, so does the spirit and soul also have. 💢 And because completing task involves all the three, all the tissues of the three have to be stretched.💢 All the muscles that make up the soul, the spirit and the body have to be stretched. 💢They have to be trained to accomplish tasks. Skilling the muscles takes a repeated sequence of time💢. It takes effort to train them to accomplish tasks. We were not born having these.💢 The MUS


AWAKEN THE SLEEPING  GIANT .    Those that are known to be heroes were not born heroes.💥 They didn't wake up one night and there they were... heroes of the world.🌳 Even the heroes of faith of the olden days didn't come up and suggested that they were heroes from the blue. 💥They had a journey they moved to reach to that point.🌳 It means ,one born of a woman is born with sleeping genius in them that is only awakened by realization and effort. You realize first and build on that.💥 There is something about you.... something you know not yet🌳. There is a giant that you desire that lives within you. Go deeper and meditate. 💥Think of that that you are .🌳 Think of the uniqueness God has placed on you. Think of what you can do that others cannot do. Think of the gift that you have.💥 There is much more that you can do than you think you can do.🌳 Believe that the self you are is much stronger than the little you know.💥 Believing in your own abilities enables the subconscious


PRESSING ON ,EVEN WHEN IT IS HARD.      In all life , there is no thing as a plain of roses without any ridges of agony.🎋 There is a ridge and there is a plain. Every time you wake up, you will meet one of them. 🎋 Regardless of the facts that there are mountains in life, that there are mountains everyday,🎋 it doesn't mean that you don't need to move on. It doesn't mean that your dream doesn't need daily watering and daily pruning.🎋 The mountains will always be there for anything that calls itself an earthly creature.🎋 For that matter, you need to just press on regardless of the mountains.🎋 Just move. Go to your job daily...just go. 🎋Open your business daily....just open. Do the planning daily...just plan. Just just just do it. Let the mountains crumble. Let the ocean spit.🎋 But let not your dream be shaken by all those. Stand still with your ambition. 🎋Stand still with your character.  There is always fairness for those who stand still. The universe with it