To accomplish a desired end, there is a group of tissues that are mobilized. ๐ขThe spirit has its form of tissue. You cannot lift up the weight that is before you if your muscles are not stretched. ๐ขThey have to be activated. Most importantly ,they have to have the skill and know how to accomplish the task.๐ข
One does not accomplish a task without the use of all elements of human. The element of the spirit,๐ข body and soul have to be active so as to accomplish a task. But like we said, that as the body has its own tissues, so does the spirit and soul also have. ๐ข
And because completing task involves all the three, all the tissues of the three have to be stretched.๐ข All the muscles that make up the soul, the spirit and the body have to be stretched. ๐ขThey have to be trained to accomplish tasks. Skilling the muscles takes a repeated sequence of time๐ข. It takes effort to train them to accomplish tasks. We were not born having these.๐ข
The MUSCLES OF THE BRAIN.๐ข..., need you to equip them with thorough knowledge and know how. Equip them with wisdom.๐ข We have seen people who act very odd due to lack of knowledge. They do things that are not pleasant because of lack of knowledge. They are abusive, careless, arrogant. They live life by probation.๐ข It seems as if they live by chance. Though not really.๐ข They are tossed by the whirl winds of this world and are put to any position. ๐ขThey don't like to go to school even when they are given " free" chance. ๐ขEven when not schooling, they don't like reading and adding knowledge.๐ข The product of their brain muscles is odd.
Even to those who have gone to school, and after graduating think they no longer need to read and to add to knowledge, we have seen that their brains diteroriate๐ข. They speak things and act in manners that are odd.๐ข Because of lack of knowledge, some have lost in business, in church. Some have backslidden. ๐ขThe muscles of the brain have to be stretched time after time. Never let your brain stay without renewal and service.๐ข
THE MUSCLES OF THE SPIRIT ๐ขas well need to stretch. You cannot stay and walk on without the concept of the spirit.๐ข The spirit desires you to feed it with spiritual the Bible and feel it๐ข. It desires prayer, pray awhile and feel change. ๐ขIt desires fasting. Fast and take the walk into the spiritual. As you stretch the muscle, you will be opened to new possibilities that you could never had known of if you did not stretch. ๐ข
THE MUSCLES OF YOUR SOUL๐ข need relaxation and meditation. They need to venture and have new experiences. They need you to do things that you had never done before.๐ข They need you to apply new formulas to whatever you do that they feel fresh. Instead of applying the same formula on the same actions, they need you to generate new formulas.๐ข
The combination of such will change the way you produce output. ๐ขYour output will be different. You will be more efficient and active๐ข. You will feel more life flow. And to the changes of formulas, you feel new worlds every day.๐ข
#Simon kutosi. _167th msg_
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