The state of thinking that you are unable to control the outcomes of a situations that cross your life. 🐢You sit back and simply watch things move on🐢. You relent to taking actions on the events of your life. It's learned helplessness.🐢

Much of the time, the results of such actions leads to self doubt, self humiliation. 🐢You feel you cannot do anything about your future.🐢 You feel your circumstance is driven by natural factors and that you are not a participant.🐢
Because the illness has become your closest friend, 🐢and you feel have moved to all the doctors known for quality medication; you think you have nothing left but instantaneous death.🐢 And though the death takes long to pass by, you feel you have nothing to do in this life other than sit and push life.... pushing without dream.🐢

The helplessness is nothing but the tricks of the mind.🐢 It is where the devil leans to tilt the purpose God has for your life. It's a trick to render you useless.🐢 Nevertheless, you can overcome it.🐢

🐢Just because you have tried and failed a countless times in whatever you attempted to do doesn't mean you are nothing. That doesn't mean you can't do anything. 🐢
There is more to God's purpose than what you have encountered. God is still holding his initial plans .🐢 You failing at several attempt simply means that you have a big lesson to learn that Is preparing you for big future.🐢

There is much more God has in store for you. Continue with the attempt. 🐢Whatever is holding the success will soon break. Things don't happen in a matter of minutes🐢. Everyone taking different routes has stipulated time for them to realise success. Your time is different. Don't give up on that.🐢 Don't give up because the sickness has become a symbol in your life. Don't give up because you have failed at first attempt🐢. There is more help the universe has that if you encounter, you will nolonger remember the suffering. God has the whole package of answers to all your endless questions.🐢 Continue to pray. Continue to seek God. Continue to work.🐢 The effects of your continuous actions will be revealed at the right time. Don't learn to be helpless . 🐢There is always help to your troubles.🐢

                GOD BLESS YOU.

 #Simon kutosi.                      177th msg


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