The Israelites being taken to captivity didn't mean captivity of exhibition. 😠Them being in Babylon didn't mean them being "nobodies." Daniel, one of them was wise and intelligent. 🀷

Daniel set alot of influence on the Babylonians that he became one of the most famous people in that country and a leaderπŸ‘Œ. He never shied away from exhibiting his skills and talents....rather he used them for the good of the chosen people - Israel.πŸ™…πŸΏ‍♀️
He did that until a time where idol worship; which was dorminating the whole territory was seen as nothing.πŸ’ It reached a time where the people of Babylon started to worship the God of Daniel. πŸ™‹

Besides Daniel; Meshach, Abdnego, and Shadrach were people who never shied away from who they were. ☺️They too showed their true selves in a land that was full of provokers and people who couldn't hear the faith of the three.πŸ™‚ Nevertheless, they did whatever God told them to do.πŸ€—

These people became who God created them to be regardless of the place they were sent to.πŸ’
It shows clearly that God is not limited by what circumstance you find yourself in. 🌳He will do all that He desires of you and will make you be the person that He wants you to be.🧍 God accomplished all that He desired of Daniel in that we read about him today and are inspired.🀏 

They were confident in a world that was not confident in them. πŸ’ͺ🏾You have to be confident in the world that you are into, regardless of the criticism you get from people.πŸ‘Œ People will call you nothing. People will name you all kinds of names.πŸ’πŸΏ People will look down on you. They will not consider the things that you do for them. You simply have to take your stand and be bold in the Babylon. πŸ’ͺ🏿
Many times we try to do things to please people. But they will still be unsatisfied. They will still speak all ill. 😠

Babylon never lasted because of its arrogance and misbehavior.πŸ™…‍♀️ Those that are against your right deeds will not last in their position. They will be brought down and you will prevail. πŸ™‹πŸΏπŸ™ŒπŸ™Œ
There is more in you than what the world sees.🫡🏾 There is a mighty person in you that is different from the world.🌳
Stand and be the you that God created with purpose.🧍🏿 Never take in all words that people say against you. Do what is right. Do it with confidence. It will be a time when they consider what you did.πŸ“ They will see you prevail. They will accept that what you did was what was right.
Let not your confidence be ruined by the world . Be bold and exhibit all that God has created you to be .πŸ₯¬πŸ™ŒπŸ₯¬

                _GOD BLESS YOU._

 #Simon kutosi.                  _168th msg_


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