

YOU CAN DO There is one thing that holds anyone from setting off for a dream beyond.✊๐Ÿฝ The thing that holds us from making movements is the thought of "I don't know how".๐ŸŒพ It is obvious that no one was ever born with knowing it all. ✊๐ŸฝIt is also obvious that many have gone ahead and won to their dreams. ๐ŸŒพIf we think we should know it all before we set out to start, then we will never start... because everyday is a lesson of it's own.✊๐Ÿฝ Even those that have set off and are at high lengths with their dreams are still ignorant and still learning.๐ŸŒพ Even the Bible says that Jesus grew and increased in knowledge. It means that He was not born knowing.✊๐Ÿฝ Even though He was God- the creator of know how, he wasn't all knowing at His earthly birth.๐ŸŒพ You got to kick start whatever you think you should do✊๐Ÿฝ. You will know better when you go through the lengths of your dream. ๐ŸŒพ One thing you should know for sure is that you can do that that you think you


GARBAGE IN, GARBAGE OUT. One of the beauties of nature is that it cares about no one...rather, responds to inputs and reactions.๐ŸŒพ What you behave with nature is what becomes of your reality in our realm.๐ŸŒพ It's a garbage in and garbage out phenomenon.๐ŸŒพ Just like a computer, the mistake that you think it displays is not the mistake that it has made; it is the mistake that you make. Whatever input you convey to it, is the effects it displays. ๐ŸŒพ The universal computer that we all find ourselves into is set with supernatural codes.๐ŸŒพ Whatever actions you take to yourself and to others produces well defined effects.๐ŸŒพ That is why God knows the end from the beginning๐ŸŒพ. At such supernatural realms as it is for Him, he is able to view a clear future from a simple or complex beginning.๐ŸŒพ The Good news about these principles is that you decide what future you desire and what inputs you put in.๐ŸŒพ There is a range of input that one has to take into play if they require success.


STAY Because of seemingly unending trials and challenges, many of us get linked to thoughts of "give up". ๐Ÿ€One thing I have learnt is that whenever we try to start a new journey- giving up on the former ones; we start from the beginning and from scraps.๐Ÿˆ If you moved 20km of road x and realized you should change to road y, the start of y makes you 00km long.  ๐Ÿ€ There was a time we used to plant groundnut. We harvested it and dried it.๐Ÿˆ When it was dry, we fried it and processed it locally๐Ÿ€. We pounded the groundnut to smash it to small particles. ๐ŸˆThere were many times that whenever we reached to powder like groundnut, we felt we have reached the climax.๐Ÿ€ But then, we were told to pound further and harder๐Ÿˆ. The further we went, the better the gnut became. The gnut could become liquid like and better to taste. ๐Ÿ€ We cannot reap the best out of something if we don't stay and make further efforts. ๐ŸˆChanging paths over and over will not make you collect e


EXOTIC SOULS The making of new sophisticated iPhones takes about 2-3 years.๐Ÿงฌ That is from concept, design and to production. ๐Ÿงฌ It takes alot of craftsmanship to come up with one of the artificial world that is performing various artificial magic that has enhanced our world. ๐ŸงฌIt takes careful arranging and planing of - where and how all components fit together; not putting one where it is not supposed to be.๐Ÿงฌ Did you know ,that your body's DNA is longer than a trip from earth to moon? ๐ŸงฌI mean if stretched end to end, it would make 150,000 rounds from earth to the moon to finish the length! ๐ŸงฌYou will have to go back and forth the moon 150k times to cover the lengths.๐Ÿงฌ It is a length of 67 million miles.๐Ÿงฌ And some claim that it's 174 million miles. That is more than a trip to the sun of about 93million miles. ๐Ÿงฌ It is mind blowing how God has sewed and packed highly sophisticated materials within our bodies.๐Ÿงฌ And that is just for the body...oka


REAP FROM FEAR There are countless times we face fears and there are countless times we loose because of the fears.๐ŸŒพ There are a number of time that we become stagnant because of our fears๐Ÿ’†. We have left out many of the things that we are supposed to do because we are overwhelmed by fears๐ŸŒพ. We have created thin worlds because of thee.๐Ÿ’† The soil that lingeries all-over us is used as an important element in the production of the most sophisticated devices.๐ŸŒพ Many people have taken what was called bad lack and turned it into good lack๐Ÿ’†. What was called rubbish was turned into products.๐ŸŒพ When you peel a fruit, the throw aways are needed somewhere in another worlds for production of fine products๐Ÿ’†. Even what we call human waste is used to make nature grow to produce fruits for the very human.๐ŸŒพ What if I told you today that you can turn your fears into meaningful ends? ...You can turn your tears into products?... You can turn your emotions into green worlds.?๐ŸŒพ It is imp


HAPPY RETURNS There is a way that may seem wrong to man, but in the end, it leads to abundance. ๐ŸŒณThere is a pain that may seem vain and unwanting unto us, but in the end, its fruits are pleasant.๐ŸŒณ One definite thing I know for sure is that there is no pain that stands alone. ๐ŸŒณIf you feel you are pressing on so hard at this material time, know for sure that your returns are guaranteed.๐ŸŒณ You cannot keep sowing the good seeds at this time and yet reap bad fruits in the coming future.๐ŸŒณ If you know for sure that what you put in today is right , then be ready for Happy returns.๐ŸŒณ There is a future that God is a preparing basing on the hard inputs that you have today.๐ŸŒณ There is a return to your investment that will come when the time is just right for it to come. ๐ŸŒณYou will see it.๐ŸŒณ One unfortunate thing that many of us do is to turn our efforts away from what we started. We try to give up so quickly. ๐ŸŒณWe loose the energy so fast. We lose the motivation so fast.๐ŸŒณ There ar


SPIRITUAL TYCOON The root of man originated from the superior realm.๐Ÿ‚ It was all spirit and it all birthed flesh.๐Ÿ‹️ The riches of man originated from the inner depth of the unseen man within.๐Ÿ‚ Before ideas are birthed to live, they are filled up within till they pop into the physical Realm.๐Ÿ‹️ God in creating everything, the idea was created within Him first. ๐Ÿ‚That is why the Bible says that the first born of all creation is wisdom. The first born of all creation is the inner strands of ideas.๐Ÿ‹️ Many times we look at our physical state to gauge the worth of our whole. ๐Ÿ‚We look at the achievements that we have made so far to rule out what we are. ๐Ÿ‹️One beautiful thing that God made is to hide the spiritual matters from our physical sense. We cannot sense the depth of it all๐Ÿ‚. We can only have a little of what really lies inwardly within us.  ๐Ÿ‹️ It is obvious that what we know about ourselves is more of the physical things than the spiritual and unseen thing๐Ÿ‚. You h