The root of man originated from the superior realm.π It was all spirit and it all birthed flesh.π️
The riches of man originated from the inner depth of the unseen man within.π Before ideas are birthed to live, they are filled up within till they pop into the physical Realm.π️
God in creating everything, the idea was created within Him first. πThat is why the Bible says that the first born of all creation is wisdom. The first born of all creation is the inner strands of ideas.π️
Many times we look at our physical state to gauge the worth of our whole. πWe look at the achievements that we have made so far to rule out what we are.
π️One beautiful thing that God made is to hide the spiritual matters from our physical sense. We cannot sense the depth of it allπ. We can only have a little of what really lies inwardly within us.
It is obvious that what we know about ourselves is more of the physical things than the spiritual and unseen thingπ. You have more to find out about yourself than what you have so far found out about yourself. There is more to discoverπ️. The more you need to discover is hidden in the "not-regular" planes of life.π It is not made to lingerie in this mortal world. It is hidden within.
π️With all that said, you should believe the fact that you are a spiritual tycoon. There is more to you than what people say about youπ. You're richly endowed with wisdom that awaits your trial.π️ You are endowed with great love that awaits your awakening. πYou are endowed with a hard-working spirit that can only be seen if you try it out.π️
The true riches of you are within. They are in your spiritual self.π The power that drives all ideas that you think about are in the spiritual self. π️The biggest dream that you have ever dreamt about is within the inner self. π
Never doubt yourself. You even don't know the depth of the greatness that God has hidden within you.π️ One of the beauties of creation is 'hide and seek'. πIt is a beauty where God has hidden things that can only be gotten after a search.π️ The spiritual tycoon that you are composes of all the things you are to beπ. If you think your dream is too large, ask the tycoon within; you will discover you are within your means as a great conquerer.π️
@Newrealms 245th msg
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