There is a way that may seem wrong to man, but in the end, it leads to abundance. ๐ŸŒณThere is a pain that may seem vain and unwanting unto us, but in the end, its fruits are pleasant.๐ŸŒณ

One definite thing I know for sure is that there is no pain that stands alone. ๐ŸŒณIf you feel you are pressing on so hard at this material time, know for sure that your returns are guaranteed.๐ŸŒณ You cannot keep sowing the good seeds at this time and yet reap bad fruits in the coming future.๐ŸŒณ If you know for sure that what you put in today is right , then be ready for Happy returns.๐ŸŒณ

There is a future that God is a preparing basing on the hard inputs that you have today.๐ŸŒณ There is a return to your investment that will come when the time is just right for it to come. ๐ŸŒณYou will see it.๐ŸŒณ

One unfortunate thing that many of us do is to turn our efforts away from what we started. We try to give up so quickly. ๐ŸŒณWe loose the energy so fast. We lose the motivation so fast.๐ŸŒณ There are many times that we loose the focus and are taken up by the winds of this world. We somehow loose the desire.๐ŸŒณ
It is such loss that changes the inputs. ๐ŸŒณIt is like you planted beans and all over a sudden you remove the seeds from the ground and try to replace them with different seeds...say maize.๐ŸŒณ You cannot wait for a harvest of beans when you replaced the seeds within the soil.๐ŸŒณ It is also like driving to destination x and all over a sudden you change your drive to destination y. ๐ŸŒณYou cannot seat there waiting for the arrival to destination x. You will obviously arrive at destination y.๐ŸŒณ

The returns that you wait for are the growths of your seeds.๐ŸŒณ Plant the right seeds and you will definitely harvest the rightful fruits.๐ŸŒณ If you plant happiness today, you will harvest happiness tomorrow. You will have the happy returns.๐ŸŒณ

What kind of seeds are trying to plant today?๐ŸŒณ Are you sure the green future that you expect will grow from such seeds.?๐ŸŒณ Or you are like the farmer who planted maize and expected beans.? Review your seeds.๐ŸŒณ In your relationship, marriage, in your business, in your career. Review the kind of seeds you have๐ŸŒณ. And if you desire happy returns, sow Happy seeds.๐ŸŒณ

                GOD BLESS YOU.

  @Newrealms                        246th msg


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