Because of seemingly unending trials and challenges, many of us get linked to thoughts of "give up". πOne thing I have learnt is that whenever we try to start a new journey- giving up on the former ones; we start from the beginning and from scraps.π If you moved 20km of road x and realized you should change to road y, the start of y makes you 00km long.
There was a time we used to plant groundnut. We harvested it and dried it.π When it was dry, we fried it and processed it locallyπ. We pounded the groundnut to smash it to small particles. πThere were many times that whenever we reached to powder like groundnut, we felt we have reached the climax.π But then, we were told to pound further and harderπ. The further we went, the better the gnut became. The gnut could become liquid like and better to taste. π
We cannot reap the best out of something if we don't stay and make further efforts. πChanging paths over and over will not make you collect enough moth.π
You may have started up your career journey, business journey; the best that awaits there needs you to stay longer . πStaying longer makes you dive into the deepest on the matter. π
It makes you unleash what wouldn't have been unleashed if it was a short term stay. πIt makes you call upon the deeper powers that lie within the whole entity. π
There is a machine called the hadron collider. It is the largest machine on earth. It covers over 27km in ring form.π It is one of the most sophisticated machines in the world. It works on a principle of stay.π How? The large hadron collider is set to smash particles at a near speed of light in Switzerland.π However, the smash is not done once nor twice, it is down several times. πThe more the incidence is done within the very geographical scope, the more power and knowledge particle physics unleashes for scientists.π The machine is set to stay with specific particles colliding them too fast with force till scientists study the deepest of matter. π
Never give up dear brethren.π An athlete gets the best of his skill after a longer stay in unleash hidden knowledge of skill. Stay and dig deeper into what you have set out to do.π Do what lies before you at your best.π Get the best of every time that passes by you. Get the best of that job, business that you have taken on today.π If you think challenges are colliding you all the time, know that your best is yet to be unleashed. π
@Newrealms 249th msg
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