

GREATNESS BEYOND.        If questions were all answered, then humans would cease being humans and God would cease being God.🏆 Why there are many questions and few answers to them is because we are humans and God is God. He is supposed to know everything and we are supposed to know less.🌳 The making of humans posses great questions to scientists.🏆 They wonder what went into making clay into flesh. What lies deep in us. And some have crazily thought they can make humans like we were made. They think they can make more intelligent species than what is made of humans.🌳 Anyway, dreamers have to dream... whether real dreams or not; they have to dream. 🏆 The human nature is not supposed to be fully exploited by us. Humans have not to know all that they are. We can't know everything about ourselves🌳. If we knew everything about ourselves, then God ceases to be God and humans cease to be humans. 🏆 The reasons as to why God is God above us is because He knows all about us


MAKE HAPPINESS EVERYDAY .       It is always good to be Joly. 😁It feels empowered to have happiness.🌳 Whenever we are sad, we feel less empowered. We feel intimidated. We feel lonely.😁 Driving your day to your goals is one thing that all of us aim for🌳. We cannot drive our days to our goals without having the right emotions to do that.😁 You need have the right emotions to drive to your future.🌳 Being happy is one emotion that empowers your spirit to go the extra mile.😁 Just imagine the moment you were not happy, that moment you were sad.🌳 Remember clearly and you will discover that you were not willing to take on anything. You simply wanted to be given time alone. 😁You never wanted to take in any chores. You simply wanted rest and think.🌳 And also, the thoughts were not these kind of productive😁. You simply thought as to why this or that could happen to you; or why this person or that person could have done something like that.🌳 Such sad emotions don't drive


THE NOOSE HAS LOST ITS GRIP      The man was afraid as the executor tied a knot on the rope to make a noose for execution and there after face instantaneous death.🪢 The rope was ready and there by put on his neck and made it to grip the neck. He cried for help, but the time was over. He was hanged and the bench tilted away.🪢 Good news....the noose had a misterious burn that made it loose its grip over the man's neck.🪴 Yes...the man was free. He was happy and went on to live with his family. His life changed.🪢 Risen is the Lord our God.🪴 The devil had played games over our necks. He had made a noose to hold our lives tightly in his knots .🪢 The devil had cursed humanity and was willing to go all length to destroy us. 🪴 The Good news is here. The noose has lost its grip. The risen Lord has broken the curse. We are free.🪢 Whatever the devil had tied in your life has been made free. 🪴Whatever curse that he had set over you has been broken. 🪢Whoever the Lord makes


MORE THAN ENOUGH.        In the journey of our lives, we all set up ambitions and things that we want to accomplish🍒. But there is always this one feeling that tells us that that is so big and that we may not be in position to accomplish.🐎 🍒We then start to feel whatever our ambitious are, they seem impossible. We feel we are not in good terms to have such dreams come true. 🐎We feel that those that have accomplished similar dreams had more than we had.🍒 We feel they that have accomplished had special callings. 🐎And that we who are not born in special families cannot accomplish that🍒. That because you had a failure sometimes ago still you may not be able to accomplish this one also. They are all but feelings of emptiness. 🐎 What God deposited in you is not more than what God deposited in someone else🍒. What God deposited in you is not less that what God deposited in someone else🐎. What He deposited in you is just enough for you. It is not more nor is it less. 🍒 Yo


WEED YOUR MIND         The results that show in our world are the results that have been processed deep in the mind.🪐 What we experience is a product of the mind....much of it. 🪐 The failure or success that you encounter is the product of the reasoning you had some time ago.🪐 🪐It is therefor very essential for us to work with our minds and have them in the proper position in order for us to see the results that we desire to see.🪐 The mind takes on whatever you let it to.🪐 When you let it to have the negative thoughts ,it will adopt to the negative thoughts. 🪐And when you let it to have the positive thoughts, it will adopt the positive thoughts and use them as gear for all your activities. 🪐It is those thoughts that direct your hands, your movements toward whatever you may wish.🪐 🪐What is our wish.?🪐 🪐Whatever the wish, there is a negative family of negative thoughts that resists the realities of such wishes. 🪐Whatever the dream, there are generations of negati


HIGHLY FAVOURED.      When Mary greeted Elizabeth from a far, Elizabeth exclaimed;" blessed are you among all women".🌈 And when the Angel came to give Mary the good news, he said, blessed are you , who is highly favored...for the Lord is with you.🦚 There is much that lies behind Mary that she was called blessed, highly favored.🌈 One thing that made such claims was that the Lord was with her🦚. Also that what she is yet to deliver to the world is extraordinary.🌈 The moment you received salvation is the moment the Lord God started living with you.🦚 You received a gift that not all the world has it. You received a special gift. 🌈There is a bunch of seeds that the Lord has planted in you that are special to the World. 🦚 This makes you to be highly favored. 🌈The person that you are is a special person before God . 🦚The person is to deliver what is special before God to the world🌈. Moses being favoured was that he carried a stick in his hands that the Lord use


BETTER THAN BEFORE.       You life is a page that runs from one corner to the other. On this page, the beginning may seem humble but the end is different. 🌾There could be failure at one point and yet there is success at another point.🍆 There is a mountain at one point yet there is a plain at the other point.🌾 Yesterday can never be like today and today can never be like tomorrow.🍆 There is a difference between night time and day times🌾. There is a difference between dry season and the rainy season. 🍆 🌾Your tomorrow is better than today.🍆 Many, times we think we are not progressing at all. 🌾We think we are no bodies...we are no better. God didn't create your life to be stagnant at one point. 🍆He made it to experience different points at different angles.🌾 Failing doesn't mean you are stupid and incapable.🍆 It means God wants you to experience failure and have a better way to encourage those that fail too🌾. He wants you to be a living testimony for those