If questions were all answered, then humans would cease being humans and God would cease being God.πŸ† Why there are many questions and few answers to them is because we are humans and God is God. He is supposed to know everything and we are supposed to know less.🌳

The making of humans posses great questions to scientists.πŸ† They wonder what went into making clay into flesh. What lies deep in us. And some have crazily thought they can make humans like we were made. They think they can make more intelligent species than what is made of humans.🌳 Anyway, dreamers have to dream... whether real dreams or not; they have to dream. πŸ†

The human nature is not supposed to be fully exploited by us. Humans have not to know all that they are. We can't know everything about ourselves🌳. If we knew everything about ourselves, then God ceases to be God and humans cease to be humans. πŸ†
The reasons as to why God is God above us is because He knows all about us and has full control of that. 

Therefore, this clearly means that there is more to us than what we know.🌳 Now , when we look back in the past, there are things that we never knew about ourselves that we have come to realize. πŸ†This means that there are things that we don't know about ourselves that we are yet to know .... though not knowing it all.
There is somebody that awaits deep within you that is yet to be revealed at the right time .🌳 There is a skill that lies in you that is beyond what you have now.πŸ†
Whatever you are now is not what you are all about. There is greatness beyond. There is a man beyond you. There is power that you have that is yet to be unlocked.🌳 There is power that is yours that is beyond the now .πŸ†

Never look down on yourself and think that you are nothing. Never take in the poisonous words that people say against you and you think that is all that you are.🌳

God has made you mysteriousπŸ†. You are an alien. You are a power beyond compression. No man can fit their mind into all that you are. Your class teacher may Think that he has exploited you and knows you clearly.🌳 That you can do nothing beyond this and that. They are dreamers of wrong dreams.πŸ† Your God is the only person that knows all that you are. You actually know more about yourself than those who claim have known you. 🌳
God knows that you are a great person. He knows that your word has the power to create your worldπŸ†. He knows that you are beyond a conquerer. He knows that you can do all through Christ who gives you the strength.
Just run your race without looking at who lets you down. You are beyond failure.🌳 The realms God has set you into are beyond earthly realms. Greatness is beyond.πŸ†

                      GOD BLESS YOU.

 # Simon kutosi.                      198th msg


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