The results that show in our world are the results that have been processed deep in the mind.πŸͺ What we experience is a product of the mind....much of it. πŸͺ
The failure or success that you encounter is the product of the reasoning you had some time ago.πŸͺ

πŸͺIt is therefor very essential for us to work with our minds and have them in the proper position in order for us to see the results that we desire to see.πŸͺ
The mind takes on whatever you let it to.πŸͺ When you let it to have the negative thoughts ,it will adopt to the negative thoughts. πŸͺAnd when you let it to have the positive thoughts, it will adopt the positive thoughts and use them as gear for all your activities. πŸͺIt is those thoughts that direct your hands, your movements toward whatever you may wish.πŸͺ

πŸͺWhat is our wish.?πŸͺ

πŸͺWhatever the wish, there is a negative family of negative thoughts that resists the realities of such wishes. πŸͺWhatever the dream, there are generations of negative thoughts that have grown and have dominated; they have become the master mind behind your failure. πŸͺ

πŸͺYou need to weed them.πŸͺ Thoughts of I can't manage this , simply because I failed that...weed them. πŸͺThoughts that tell you that the rich are special and that is why they have succeeded and that you who is not born in a wealthy family will not see any success....remove them.πŸͺ
Weed out all the negatives today if you want to see a change in your life. πŸͺ

πŸͺOn taking twitter, Elon musk tries to change twitter logo from the blue bird to a doge meme.πŸͺ Whether done permanently or temporary, the change has caused a rise in the markets of dogecoins. πŸͺIt has made Twitter very popular.πŸͺ Many may have had criticism...but the positive outstands. πŸͺJust changing the logo changes muchπŸͺ. It changes the way people believe.πŸͺ It changes the way people associate with the company. People feel a new company.πŸͺ It feels different from the former.πŸͺ
There is trash that lies in your mind that you need to weed out and change. Change the way you think about excellence. πŸͺ
A mere shift of the thoughts will be bring along it a mountain of gold. Weed your mind.πŸͺ The garden that sits deep in you needs the rightful seeds to grow the crops that you desireπŸͺ. Paint the mind with all that you desire and let alone the negatives. πŸͺDo you know that you cannot control everything that happens in this world? πŸͺThat mere fact means that relying on the negative thoughts all the time and letting them to dwell in your mind is like thinking about the problems of this world and you want to solve it all. πŸͺJust leave the negative thoughts and walk with the positiveπŸͺ. You will not change the past, but you can change the future.πŸͺ

                     GOD BLESS YOU.

 # Simon kutosi.                  194th msg


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