When Mary greeted Elizabeth from a far, Elizabeth exclaimed;" blessed are you among all women".🌈 And when the Angel came to give Mary the good news, he said, blessed are you , who is highly favored...for the Lord is with you.🦚
There is much that lies behind Mary that she was called blessed, highly favored.🌈

One thing that made such claims was that the Lord was with her🦚. Also that what she is yet to deliver to the world is extraordinary.🌈
The moment you received salvation is the moment the Lord God started living with you.🦚 You received a gift that not all the world has it. You received a special gift. 🌈There is a bunch of seeds that the Lord has planted in you that are special to the World. 🦚

This makes you to be highly favored. 🌈The person that you are is a special person before God . 🦚The person is to deliver what is special before God to the world🌈. Moses being favoured was that he carried a stick in his hands that the Lord used to rescue the Israelites out of bondage. 🦚There is something that you Carry...it is something that is to save a soul .🌈 It is something that is to add value to the world. This sets you apart from the rest of the world.🦚

The Bible is clear.🌈 It says that He that works in you is greater than that that works in the world.🦚 If you think the world is progressing faster than you may think, be sure that what is driving them is not greater than that that lives in you. What lives in you is greater and is mighty.🌈 You are highly favored. The fruits you bear are no match those that the world bears.🦚 Your fruits of love are great, your fruits of care are great, your fruits of wisdom are great.🌈 You are incredible. 🦚

The power that works in you is a power that made it all. It is not power of clay but a power of gold.🌈 It is a power of the Noble. It is the power of righteousness. It is the power royalty. You are special. 🦚
Never look down on yourself especially when you still hold the Bible in your hands- the word of the most high. 🌈Never think you are nothing to this world, you are something greater than what the world has.
You are a blessed kid. Those noose will not get tight on you.🦚 They will be broken. The devil has no power over you...you instead have the power over him 🌈. In the heavenly realms, you are a mighty spiritual being having an experience in the body; you are like Gabriel having an experience in the body,...you are like Angel Michael having an experience in the body.🦚 But then, you have your spiritual power over the world.

                    GOD BLESS YOU.

 # Simon kutosi.                  193th msg



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