

ROW THE BOAT When the sailor sets out for the sea, he maps out his Paths. He has to clearly know where he is going to pass and how he is going to pass. The rough areas have their own strategy and the smooth areas have their own strategy.🛶 The big picture comes first then the small picture follows. The big strategy is to sail yet the small strategy is to row the boat. Rowing it with bits of oars...long poles used against the sea.🛶 Even when you have a large picture of the future, there is something to do . There is a strategy to lay.🛶 And there are small strategies to push forward. You cannot accomplish the big strategy without the small oars....the stick to row. 🛶 The sea may seem big. The future may seem far. You dream may seem unrealistic. But there is a small oar to use to push you through the sea. Every day is a chance for you to row🛶 . You may row a meter away. You may row a kilometer away. But in whichever length you row, bit by bit will make you the giant of the


THE GHOST Because of the desire for cheaper labor, he went to the masters of divine labour. He made his appeal. 💀And thereafter, he was given something stranger than he thought.  But nevertheless, he was happy thereafter from his first experience with the labourer.💀 The labourer was given alot of work. He was swifter than light.💀 He could accomplish all that he was given even before the master thought of the next task. 💀The ghost was hardworking and made sure everything was done to its perfection with lesser errors. 💀 And one thing the ghost loved; he loved to work all the time.💀 Well, try to imagine how much work it would do when making movements at light speeds. 💀It would obviously accomplish more than what a million labourers would accomplish in a day. 💀 At the first experience, the master of the ghost loved what the ghost did. 💀He was filled with awe when he saw things fly through the air than they could be comprehended. 💀He loved seeing his work go at light s


HOPE FOR TOMORROW Life can mean to be hard . And that whenever it gets hard, you feel hopeless and no need to go for tomorrow. You feel there is no need to become a somebody the following times🌴. You feel low and feel nothing.  And that because seasons change, there is a point of depression. A point of lack.🌴 But there is a similar trend that I have noticed. Whatever life goes through; ups or downs, life's trend is an upward movement. You become a better person every time that passes by.🌴 You cannot be a worse being than you were before. In as much as you add years to your age, there is a block that you add as time passes by.  🌴 Hope for tomorrow. You are better than you were before and you will become better than you are today in the times of tomorrow. You were not created to be a being that lags🌴. You were created to a being that becomes better as time passes by. Every time that passes by, there is something new that you learn. 🌴And that for tomorrow, you will h


HEAVENLY BYPASS It obviously started as any other time. We all knew what would happen. 🌷Getting into the den of lions obviously gives known results...- instantaneous death. The month started and was a month known to the sun as its where ultimate heat incubates the earth.🌷 It was a month of no greener plants...but rather seeking cool air under cooler sheds by farmers. It was know as a month of lack.🌷 And something happened, it all changed - it is a month of rains and plants. The sun lost its grip. Cooler sheds are avoided.🌷 It is a heavenly bypass. What was grounded within us has been diverted to different lines of perception.🌷 It was known as January ;- a dry now known as January - a month to plant and harvest. There was a bypass.🌷 When we see in our lives, there is something that gets to our nerves till it becomes seemingly part of us. You have searched for the answer to some questions and have not found them.🌷 The not finding the answers - yea


MATRIX A Walk to the left will lead to the green world. A Walk to the right will lead to the zoo world,...a world where souls are captivated by conscience. 🎡A Walk to the center will lead to the nest, ...a world where souls are comfortable and never troubled to try new lines🥨. A Walk to the north will lead to a destiny where wild gates open for seers of the unknown. 🎡 If you ever try to boil a human brain, you will get astonishing results🥨. If you left the brain still, it will decay into simple clay. And if it was implanted into another human, the behavior of the victim will change.🎡 Anyway, this can be done in heavenly labs, unless the earthly brain boiler is a knight of biology.🥨 A turn from a given point entails given results that the victim should be ready to embrace. It is a matrix ...a mesh of possiblities.🎡 Many people fail to pick from failure and try again because they think the chance of possibilities is over. 🥨They think they have done what was ultimate


THE WILD GATES There is something that is beyond our satisfaction.🔭 It is beyond our desires. Even when you want to get enough of it, enough won't be defined in the most suitable manner. 🛣️ It is like tasking yourself to drain ocean water. Where would you even put it in the first place.🪐 Alpha and Omega, Jehovah is great in might and powerful in wants. His majesty is endless and is beyond the beyond of our understanding. 🔭 In as much as Jehovah has built a universe where even our initiative to scan the far corners is blurred, there is a fact of gates that are endless.🛣️ If it is in His place to have good plans for you, earthly stores are not enough to compile His great plans . The gates that He knows can possibly open for you - alone are wild .🪐 They are greater than your wild imagination. God has placed a realm in front of you to which you can touch as far as your mind reaches.🔭 That is in such a way that whatever you desire is there and in full measure. It is w


ACCEPTABILITY A man fell into a running river.🍁 The river was running to the east but the man desired to go to the west. 🍁He therefore tried to swim against the waters to find his way to the west. However, his strategy brought him more hurts than success🍁. It was more tidous to swim against the waters. And yet moving along with waters seemed smooth.🍁 There is a river that presents itself in our lives. It goes so fast that it goes against our desire🍁. And yet whenever we try to go the opposite direction, we are filled with anxiety and pressure.🍁 Whenever you don't accept that you have been given the trials that you have at the moment, you hurt yourself the more. 🍁 There is an element to get hold of whenever you encounter trials... It is the element of acceptability.🍁 You have to accept that you have been given a challenge and that it fits you alone at the moment. 🍁You have to accept that what is happening now is to make you into a better being of the future.🍁 A