Because of the desire for cheaper labor, he went to the masters of divine labour. He made his appeal. πAnd thereafter, he was given something stranger than he thought.
But nevertheless, he was happy thereafter from his first experience with the labourer.π
The labourer was given alot of work. He was swifter than light.π He could accomplish all that he was given even before the master thought of the next task. πThe ghost was hardworking and made sure everything was done to its perfection with lesser errors. π
And one thing the ghost loved; he loved to work all the time.π Well, try to imagine how much work it would do when making movements at light speeds. πIt would obviously accomplish more than what a million labourers would accomplish in a day. π
At the first experience, the master of the ghost loved what the ghost did. πHe was filled with awe when he saw things fly through the air than they could be comprehended. πHe loved seeing his work go at light speeds. Even before he could understand what has happened, all tasks were done.π
However, the ghost would cry to the master if there was no work to be done . It wanted work. "Where is work....I want to work!!!...". the ghost cried. πThe master would have hard time looking for work to give it.π And if there was no work, the ghost threatened to work down the master himself...and that that meant death.π
There is something that can work you down if you don't work on it. π΄
When we see ourselves, the mind has been made to work throughout our lives. In that even when we rest, it works.π΄ Just like the heart, the mind wants work. If there is insufficient work given to it, it will mean to work down on its own master.π΄
There are many people that have been destroyed by the negative energy of the brain. The ghost within them has worked down their bodies.π΄ Many have lost their fortunes and reputations simply because the ghost within has worked on them. π΄
It is one that needs work. Work, wants work. An idle mind is the devil's workshop.π΄ If you never occupy your mind with what you need it to be doing, there is something that will occupy it ... probably ill. π΄The slightest frequencies of meditation about the future is great work for the "ghost". π΄
You got to draw energies within your mind that will give it frequencies of bright destinies. You need to focus on the things that matter.π΄ Don't think you can be idle; because where you think you are idle, the "ghost" is given strange tasks.. probably by divine masters. It can be given tasks that deviate from your destiny.π΄
You as the master of the workman, you need a schedule that will keep the labourer running. You need to look for work within.π΄
# Simon kutosi. 296th msg
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