It obviously started as any other time. We all knew what would happen. ๐ทGetting into the den of lions obviously gives known results...- instantaneous death.
The month started and was a month known to the sun as its own...one where ultimate heat incubates the earth.๐ท It was a month of no greener plants...but rather seeking cool air under cooler sheds by farmers.
It was know as a month of lack.๐ท
And something happened, it all changed - it is a month of rains and plants. The sun lost its grip. Cooler sheds are avoided.๐ท It is a heavenly bypass. What was grounded within us has been diverted to different lines of perception.๐ท It was known as January ;- a dry season...is now known as January - a month to plant and harvest.
There was a bypass.๐ท
When we see in our lives, there is something that gets to our nerves till it becomes seemingly part of us. You have searched for the answer to some questions and have not found them.๐ท The not finding the answers - year in year out becomes part of your mentality. You have looked for a job and the looking and not finding becomes seemingly part of you and your mentality. ๐ทYou move to any office having it at the back of your mind that you will not be given the Job.๐ท You reside in the mentality of rejection. And that because poverty is a legendary adjective in your generation;- a word used to describe you, you feel part of it and grounded in your mentality. ๐ท
There is a heavenly bypass God has prepared for you.๐ท What seemed to be a dry season, year in year out will be become a season of rains and abundance. Whatever has been pinned to your name will change. ๐ทIf disease has been pinned to your name, unlucky has been your name; God is yet to change the formula.๐ท He is about to give you a new set of operation that you will get used to๐ท. He will pour out much blessing that it will be overflowing.
The heavenly bypass is yet to happen.
It is not in your place to worry of what happens in your life.๐ท God has a reason as to why He lets that go through your life. He wants you to draw clear lines between lack and abundance.๐ท And that when the bypass happens, you will know it is not your power. ๐ทAnd because it is not your power, you should know that you shouldn't worry of what goes through your life.
Yield unto faith. ๐ทKnow that what is ahead is more than what is here today.๐ท Whatever it is today that you are used to, the great bypass is yet to happen.๐ท
# Simon kutosi. 294th msg
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