

GENUINE PAYROLL There are many times we get to work yet we are never satisfied with our ends whilst there.πŸ‡ We get employed in our dream company and have the kind of bosses we dreamed ofπŸ₯¦. And because we have landed in a "paradise" we wanted to, we work all our best and present the very best.  Oh...the very best.πŸ‡ The best will Never get paid what it disserves. To clarify that statement, let's remind ourselves how money cannot buy everything!πŸ₯¦ There's something you tend to give to a community. But there is a payroll that seems underrated. It will not rhyme with what has been rendered.πŸ‡ Well some boss will give you specific work to do and promises to give you given amounts of cash at the end of the periods.πŸ₯¦ But because there are always other tasks that can't be left bare even when they were not outlined in the statements of understanding , they will always need your attention...they will need you emotion.πŸ‡ You were told to only sign in visitors


COMPOUND INTEREST Did you know that time is a perception of the mind?.🌴 It wouldn't be time if our minds were not wired to perceive it that way. One thing I have seen, different people perceive time differently.🌳 You may think 1 year is a long time , but someone else where will see that as a short period of time. A brethren in prison may not feel time the way you may feel it.🌴 To them, it could be longer.  It is easy to sit and watch one year pass by, two years pass by, or even give years pass by🌳. But even when some other people are prospering with 5 years, some are still in the same chairs. One thing is good to note, we all have 24 hours daily. 🌴 The question to ask yourself is what have you done in the past times and what do you plan to do in the next times? 🌳It is easy to set goals...big big goals; but the power lies in the small matters you do daily to achieve that goal...the big goal. The power of compound interest.🌴 If you can only identify one or two act


NURTURE THE NATURE "Bring here the clay. Let's mix the water and ingredients. It will grow to be whole when ingredients x,y,z are into play🌳. The human will grow by the laws of ....and he will have efficiently made his nature." God had it all done at the basics.🌳 Even when they are born, they are basically raw.🌳 They grow by learning and continuous improvement. They grow by the set laws and rules of natural growth and development.🌳 A mass of resource has been deposited into you. There are basic and raw materials that are in you.🌳 You were given the talent by nature. The talent you were given is raw. And because they are raw, they need to be nurtured.🌳 The farmer plants a seed. He has to water the seed in order for it to grow.🌳 He has to put nutrients into the soil around the growing plants order for the plant to get what it desire to be healthy. It will grow to bear the fruits that the farmers desires.🌳 There is something that you need to do to i


BABY VOICE There is always a say of talk to your heart positively. That you don't need to say negative things your heartπŸ‘Ά. The practical theories that are behind this are that positive thoughts will pile over time to become a positive reality in the future.πŸ‘Ά It is known to all of us that what you tell yourself over time is what you definitely become over time.πŸ‘Ά But there is an ingredient in the say that you got to have within you. It is the baby voice. πŸ‘Ά There is a child in each of us even when you are 50. There is a personality that is a child in you.πŸ‘Ά Mere fact that you need someone to tell you "sorry", you need someone to say "I love you", you need someone to say "you are are handsome" the fact that there is a child in us. Even when the Bible says that we are children of God, it affirms the child nature that always thrives in us. πŸ‘ΆEven when you are rich and you have it all, there is a time you need someone to


MAKE MEANING It is easy to go through life while having nothing attached to whatever you do. It is easy to say that there is no reason as to why we live🍁. Many people have come up with questions as to Why we are to why we live. And also many have been tied by the questions🍁. At times when you ask a question about something that may seem obviously, it may imply that you don't applaud it's existence.🍁 For example if I came to your house and asked you, " by the way, why are you even doing that"; such a statement may imply that I don't attach meaning to what that is.🍁 Going through life with alot of questions yet you don't have clear answers to them may trick your Brian to reducule life.🍁 One reason why some people who descide to destroy their life do so ,is because they have a question of ;"why am I even living...?" And that automatically tells them there is no meaning as to why they live. 🍁 And because of all such questioning


SERIAL MONGER In the quiet, while the super-confident monkey chose speed, the snail succeeded through consistent deliberations.🐌 She moved at certain speed that never gave her stress but rather allowed more time for her to think of her next action the better way.πŸ’ And because the trader down town was frustrated, he resorted to sluggish moves of daily inquiry to consumers who would buy the products. 🐌He wouldn't mind if they never bought because he had gotten adopted. But then, some went on to buy.πŸ’ The serial monger never had success because of his products but because of the never ending actions with his little products. There is obviously a time we reach in life and feel frustrated and tired. 🐌We feel what we do never bring the results that we think they should bring. It is at that time that you should realize a change to a new behavior...never minding of the now results but rather minding of the serial actions that you do.🐌 It is not a boom of magical products


NEW SEED When he sets out onto the road, he aims to go far. He drives to his best . He checks the condition of his van. πŸš’But because the tank doesn't hold fuel for as long he is on the road, he needs to stop over to have more fuel refilled. And there is oil running through the van.πŸš’ He needs to change it and give it new oil. For older body parts of the van cannot make it efficient, he therefore needs new parts.πŸš’ He needs new seeds to make it efficient. And of course, when the new seeds are planted , the van is efficient.πŸš’ There is what makes us move ...and there is what has made us move to this point of our lives.πŸš’ But at times ,life may seem old and not new. It may feel it is the way it was 5 years ago and the way it was 10 years ago. πŸš’It may all seem old just because there are old seeds that are still driving the life. There is still old fuel that is in the van. There is old oil that is in the van. πŸš’ If you ever want to have a new life, you need to change the o