In the quiet, while the super-confident monkey chose speed, the snail succeeded through consistent deliberations.🐌 She moved at certain speed that never gave her stress but rather allowed more time for her to think of her next action the better way.πŸ’

And because the trader down town was frustrated, he resorted to sluggish moves of daily inquiry to consumers who would buy the products. 🐌He wouldn't mind if they never bought because he had gotten adopted. But then, some went on to buy.πŸ’ The serial monger never had success because of his products but because of the never ending actions with his little products.

There is obviously a time we reach in life and feel frustrated and tired. 🐌We feel what we do never bring the results that we think they should bring. It is at that time that you should realize a change to a new behavior...never minding of the now results but rather minding of the serial actions that you do.🐌 It is not a boom of magical products that will make you great and successful, but it is the serial monger that you choose to become today.πŸ’ 

One man funnily said; that if all the money in the world was picked and collected. Then it was distributed to all earthlings in equal proportions.🐌 That after some time, the money would go back to it's owners in original quantities.πŸ’
 Lack knows her people. She will run to those she has better records of. She will run to serial mongers.🐌 It is easy to forget a one time motivation, but difficult to forget a consistent will stick till it reaps you fruits.
Doing something consistently and not stopping is learning the art of compounding super characters.πŸ’ You will become something that you yourself cannot stop. You will realize results that you never thought would come.🐌 You will behold opportunities that you never saw coming. Never loose your nut. πŸ’Keep tightening. There will be a time when you get your share of the cake. 🐌

                   GOD BLESS YOU

 # Simon kutosi                          300th msg


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