When he sets out onto the road, he aims to go far. He drives to his best . He checks the condition of his van. πŸš’But because the tank doesn't hold fuel for as long he is on the road, he needs to stop over to have more fuel refilled.

And there is oil running through the van.πŸš’ He needs to change it and give it new oil. For older body parts of the van cannot make it efficient, he therefore needs new parts.πŸš’ He needs new seeds to make it efficient. And of course, when the new seeds are planted , the van is efficient.πŸš’

There is what makes us move ...and there is what has made us move to this point of our lives.πŸš’ But at times ,life may seem old and not new. It may feel it is the way it was 5 years ago and the way it was 10 years ago. πŸš’It may all seem old just because there are old seeds that are still driving the life. There is still old fuel that is in the van. There is old oil that is in the van. πŸš’

If you ever want to have a new life, you need to change the old oil. You need to plant new seeds. A seed is a base of a plant to grow. πŸš’One thing that makes human beings grow is the mind. It is the mentality that they gain over time. You used to think like a child and you used to do things like a child.πŸš’ And now that you have grown, you think like adults and you do things like the adults. πŸš’The mentality has made you grow. 
What makes your life seem old is the old mentalities that never push you further.πŸš’ So that after 5 years of thinking the same way, you still are the same person with the same results. πŸš’

Change your mentality now. Change from old oil to new oil.πŸš’ Change from old seeds to new seeds. Make over and have new perspective...a way to see the world.πŸš’ And if the oil is changed, the van will run efficiently.πŸš’


 # Simon kutosi.                      299th msg


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