

WATCHERS Even when born alone, there were seers who were to witness the event🧐. And also, there were facilitators that were to aid your great arrival. 🌳The seers were to see what kind of child you were. πŸ‘️They were to witness a fact about you.🧐 And as it grew to become an adult, the seers kept their eyes on it to verify certain hypothesis and witness certain facts about you. 🌳 As you go through life endlessly, there are people that want to see what you got. They are the watchers.πŸ‘️ They want to see how you behave. They want first hand information of how you react when a given challenging event happens.🧐 And as life is filled with seemingly endless trials, watchers are recording timely responses that you give life.  🌳There are people who keep an eye on your failure and success. They keep a keen watch on how you progress.πŸ‘️ And that because they saw someone else failing after attempting a certain line of life, they are ready to witness what they think would be your t


GET OUT OF EGYPT AND GET EGYPT OUT OF YOU They suffered greatly in the hands of aliens. πŸƒπŸΏ‍♀️They were mistreated to the climax. They were there for over 400 years. 🌡The Israelites waited for a savior to come by and render them from the brutal treatment the Egyptians had. 400 years was alot of time, many were born there and still died there.πŸƒπŸΏ‍♀️ Some probably never saw any other country apart from Egypt.🌡 They had not tested the milk in other greener nations.  It was one point that their cry reached JehovahπŸƒπŸΏ‍♀️. He knew it was time to deliver the Israel man out of a foreign land.🌡 It was time to send somebody. He, through Moses, delivered the Israelites out of Egypt.πŸƒπŸΏ‍♀️ When they walked out, it was a Passover. They were moving from misery to happiness. 🌡They were moving from old years to New years. They were moving from blood to freedomπŸƒπŸΏ‍♀️. It was a year for new history...let alone the history of generational suffering. However, the Passover


TIME TO REWORK Every year, there is a plan that you make. 🌴We set goals and Targets and prayer requests that we expect to be accomplished at the end of the year.🌴 But at the end of the year, not everything that we planned is accomplished. Some of them are accomplished and some of them are not accomplished.🌴 There are some that are accomplished because we laid better strategies to take us through. 🌴But some are not accomplished because we did not lay a better strategy. However, plans and strategies are like keys.🌴 You cannot use a different key to open the door that you normally open. If you use a wrong key to open the Same padlock, padlock will not open.🌴 If you used a wrong strategy and a wrong plan to wheel your life, the plan and the strategy will not work.🌴 Therefore, some plans and strategies failed in the past year simply because they cannot work on us. We are the padlocks. 🌴 If therefore, you crafted a wrong key to open you, you need to recreate another one🌴


HAPPY NEW YEAR When there is time to change, there is a chance to plan! In as much as we plan for new times, our spiritual army plans for us too.πŸŽ† There is a plan that God sets to drive you through the new year. Even if the devil sets his, God's plan outstandsπŸŽ‰. Every year God has a plan for you. He has a person that He is ready to mold you intoπŸŽ†.  It is a happy new beginning. A bunch of abilities have been dispatched to aid you through this yearπŸŽ‰. A bunch of opportunities have been sent out to carry you through the year. God is ready to make you great.πŸŽ†   But also ,there is something that you are ready to become if you give it a thought of greatness.πŸŽ‰ As the year is new, start to think new. New things don't become new unless there is a different mindset used to see them.πŸŽ† If you want to see a new year, you have to become new...your mind has to become new. πŸŽ‰You cannot hold onto the old mentalities and still expect things to change.  It is normally said that


THE ACCOUNTANT When the Lord said let him come to be, he pushed forth an army that would see him through the earth.πŸ“‰ God has set up a territory that is just for your stay here.πŸ“Š Every morning, there are spiritual beings that come to see your day come to life.πŸ“ They come to install what the almighty has destined for you. πŸ“ˆ From January to now, a lot has gone through your life. You have made endless plans from 1st January to 30th DecemberπŸ“‰. Every day was a day for you to plan. πŸ“Š It is clear that the making of daily plans and the government of angels that God has set for you since you were born show that you are a full organization, an entity that is run by systems.πŸ“ Companies and organizations plan and execute plans every year. And one thing that they do is to account for their actions. πŸ“ˆThey employ several accountants that put into record the financial impacts and results of various actions.πŸ“‰ This helps them to plan for the next future , for the next year. πŸ“Š One th


GREEN BELLS Even when the news reached her, she couldn't believe her ears.πŸ”” It was at that time that God decided to ring themes that will get grounded in her. To make her believe that she was the chosen lady.🌴 And on various occasions, Mary- the mother of Jesus met people who spoke in prophetic manner to affirm to her that she carries the Messiah. πŸ””At one point, she met Elizabeth who prophesied great revelation to her " as soon as the child in my womb heard your sound, it jumped with Joy... blessed are you among all women...".🌴 Mary and Joseph went to the temple, a man who had waited for the savior to be born was told by God that he will never die until he has seen the savior. πŸ””This man recognized the savior in the hands of Mary and praised the Lord.🌴 He prophesied unto the couple and prayed for them.πŸ”” Many events rang in the ears of Mary to affirm the dignity that she had.🌴 They were green bells, one that would tell her that a green future is before h


A RESHUFFLE IN GENERATION LINE "Should I marry her or I shouldn't marry her. Well let me make a smart plan here🌲. I will divorce her in secret; not even her closet relative will notice that🍁. And I will be free from a pregnancy I know not the 'head' and 'legs'..." As Joseph thought about that, an Angel disrupted.🌲 The angel told him that the pregnancy is of the holy spirit and is destined to bring liberation to the whole community and to the world. 🍁 It was then that Joseph accepted. The reshuffle of the generation line was made.🌲 Why wouldn't God choose anyone to bear the name father of Jesus? Why didn't God choose someone else to bear the name mother of Jesus?🍁 There was something that God was yet to change in the generation of Mary and Joseph.🌲 If Joseph let the weird voices turn him around, the reshuffle wouldn't have happened. But a clean voice came into his heart and there he received the reshuffle.🍁 Whatever name the