Even when the news reached her, she couldn't believe her ears.πŸ”” It was at that time that God decided to ring themes that will get grounded in her. To make her believe that she was the chosen lady.🌴
And on various occasions, Mary- the mother of Jesus met people who spoke in prophetic manner to affirm to her that she carries the Messiah. πŸ””At one point, she met Elizabeth who prophesied great revelation to her " as soon as the child in my womb heard your sound, it jumped with Joy... blessed are you among all women...".🌴

Mary and Joseph went to the temple, a man who had waited for the savior to be born was told by God that he will never die until he has seen the savior. πŸ””This man recognized the savior in the hands of Mary and praised the Lord.🌴 He prophesied unto the couple and prayed for them.πŸ””
Many events rang in the ears of Mary to affirm the dignity that she had.🌴 They were green bells, one that would tell her that a green future is before her.πŸ””

Even when you sign papers of a future that is green, you need to sound themes that will affirm the future to your soul.🌴 One thing I have seen is that we come to believe and know that something is true when it is said to us Several times; by several people. You may not believe a rumar if it is said by only one person.πŸ”” You want to hear it from several witnesses.
If you want to truely make life to your dreams, sound the green bells. 🌴

When doubt comes your way, sound bells of faith to your heart.πŸ”” When you face your greatest fears, sound green bells of courage.🌴 There are voices that can tend to overshadow you when you try to do something new; such volumes can only be suppressed by green bells. πŸ””You are given chance to speak to a new audience, but nervousness takes over and weird voices ring in your ears. 🌴It is at that time that you have to ring the green bells.πŸ”” It is at that time that you have to make greener voices . 
Everything can seem to be possible to you if you develop the right orientation. 🌴The rightful mind is a product of green bells. πŸ””

                       GOD BLESS YOU.

 # Simon kutosi.                     284th msg


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