

MIGHT WARRIORS IN BATTLE The world is vast.⚔️ There are two special elements in it's inhabitants.✊🏽 There is an element of pain and there is an element of pleasure.πŸ† Everyone everywhere looks to achieving pleasure.⚔️ Everyone everywhere looks towards avoiding pain.✊🏽 Every morning you wake up, there is pain and there pleasure prepared for you. πŸ†Unfortunately, there are people who are caught up in the bushes of pains⚔️. And because they find themselves in such Lanes, the resort to living in thin worlds.✊🏽 However, there are also people who are caught up in angles of pleasure.πŸ† And because they find themselves in such shadows, they devote themselves to all sorts of means that will lead them to pleasure, good or bad. ⚔️ The experiences we all face today show that we are in battles every day.✊🏽 You battle to find your way out of the pains and have your soul in pleasure. πŸ†You battle to have the attention of those you need.⚔️ You battle to make those you care about ha


REFLECTION God made everything with word of mouth, but when it was the turn to make man, he looked at himselfπŸ‡. He made you and me from his image.πŸ₯₯ Somehow, many think the image that we talk about here is just physical image.πŸ‡ There is a more strand of similarities between you and your creator. πŸ₯₯You have a free will and can decern between right and wrong.πŸ‡ You can foretell the future from the experience you get. Just like the creator. You are a reflection of the creator.πŸ₯₯ Because we think we are all alone, many of us have been frustrated in and out of life with seemingly endless problemsπŸ‡. One element that has driven such degrees of frustration is lack of belief in the great self that you are. πŸ₯₯You feel whatever you face is just too big for you to walk through. πŸ‡You feel that the mountain that is before you is just too high for you to jump over to the other side.πŸ₯₯ You feel you are not in full control of whatever your life holds. πŸ‡ It is good news today. The gene


TWO STEPS FORWARD ,ONE STEP BACK When you were born, you had nothing but a memory filled with basics.πŸ•°️ A memory on how to cry, how to turn sad and happiness. As time went by, you developed habits that filled up your memory.πŸƒπŸΏ‍♀️ You started knowing how to sing, you started knowing how to dance. The habits made you upgrade from one step to another.πŸ•°️ But many of these habits were taught by many of the people around you. Many of them were also learnt through laws of absorptionπŸƒπŸΏ‍♀️. The people around you shaped you. But there are these ones that you learnt by self reflection and self experience.πŸ•°️ The experiences made you better and better each time that passed by. πŸƒπŸΏ‍♀️It is now fully evident that whatever way we were born, time makes a better difference in whichever person we are. You cannot be the same person that you were 10 years agoπŸ•°️. Atleast your age will change; and If your age changes, your body will also change; and if your body changes, the emotional l


THE GREAT SAGE He that lives in you is greater than he that lives in the world. Let me turn the saying around. ✊🏽The spirit man that lives in you is greater than the body man that lives in the world. Your inner self is greater than your physical self.🧚 ✊🏽There are many times we have taken more time to work on our outer self and yet forget the inner self.🧚 There are huge packages of spirit material that have been deposited within you.✊🏽 You cannot unleash these packages without going within yourself and learn them. 🧚 We at times feel weak just because we rely on the lesser physical self.🧚 We forget to switch our energies to the deeper self within.✊🏽 And because of seemingly unending trials, we are inclined to think that we are nobodies.🧚 We start to feel depressed and lowly ✊🏽. The matter that you have to put into your mind today is that you are a great sage.🧚 He that lives in you is greater that he that lives in this world✊🏽. Your body may live in this world dem


MANAGE 3000 EMOTIONS Sometime ago, there was a man who attempted to participate in a certain competition.πŸ‚ He tried so hard but failed several times. 🍁One round, he won a competition that was worth $10,000 (around 7,700,000 Naira/ 36m shillings).πŸ‚ He was so happy, he was so excited. He died from too much happiness.🍁 There is a standard of emotional state that you are supposed to thrive in.πŸ‚ You are not supposed to be extreme of the negative and extreme of the positive. 🍁But did you know that you have over 3000 emotions within your body?πŸ‚ The greatest of the heroes have been able to master their emotions and have directed them to positive ends.🍁 Even the anger that you feel is just bad is just good for a positive end.πŸ‚ You may wake up one morning and you have annoying people. 🍁It is easy to get annoyed but it is quite hard to release the anger without directive initiative.πŸ‚ There are various ways you can quench down anger.🍁 Go to the mirror and speak to the imag


SOUL'S ENGINE There is something that drives somebody. ⛽It is not out of somebody. πŸš•It is within somebody.🌳 In as much as the body is driven by the engine called brain, the soul also is driven by an engine.⛽ πŸš•A survey has revealed that over 40 percent of the workers are motivated by the presence of their fellow workers. 🌳 There are times we wake up and feel energy at its peak. ⛽There are times that we wake up and feel motivated within.πŸš• These times drive us through the day and we feel we can achieve anything. 🌳 But there are also times where we feel less wanting and demotivated. ⛽At those times, we are not pushed by anything to do anything.πŸš• We feel we should just nap and have the day just for ourselves. 🌳 It is clear that the same soul is influenced by different emotional states at different times.⛽ There is a force that needs fueling Everytime you need to push up.πŸš• There is an engine you need to fuel if you need to move on.🌳  You need to find the thing that


BE INTENTIONAL When a ship sets out to the waters, it is directed by a force. 🚀The force is generated by engines that are installed in it.🚀 When a boat looses its rope from the shores, it will wonder over the waters to any direction🚀. It will not have a specific path to walk through.🚀 Any wind will blow over it and whatever the direction of the wind, the boat will go.🚀 The force that is within the ship is what determines its direction. It is not the force that is outside the ship. 🚀 Many times, our directions have been determined by the forces that are outside of us.🚀 We have been determined by the winds that blow over the waters. 🚀The forces within have grown weak and the forces outside have gone against us.🚀 You set out for a program this morning. 🚀But because you encountered a friend who is convincing you to join him or her, you try to follow them🚀. And at times, we tend to move around without any reason. 🚀When asked why you are moving around; the reply is &q