The world is vast.⚔️ There are two special elements in it's inhabitants.✊๐Ÿฝ There is an element of pain and there is an element of pleasure.๐Ÿ† Everyone everywhere looks to achieving pleasure.⚔️ Everyone everywhere looks towards avoiding pain.✊๐Ÿฝ

Every morning you wake up, there is pain and there pleasure prepared for you. ๐Ÿ†Unfortunately, there are people who are caught up in the bushes of pains⚔️. And because they find themselves in such Lanes, the resort to living in thin worlds.✊๐Ÿฝ However, there are also people who are caught up in angles of pleasure.๐Ÿ† And because they find themselves in such shadows, they devote themselves to all sorts of means that will lead them to pleasure, good or bad. ⚔️

The experiences we all face today show that we are in battles every day.✊๐Ÿฝ You battle to find your way out of the pains and have your soul in pleasure. ๐Ÿ†You battle to have the attention of those you need.⚔️ You battle to make those you care about happy. ✊๐ŸฝYou battle to succeed. You battle to shape your morals. You battle to be understood. ๐Ÿ†You battle to find a place of value in this world. It is battle in and battle out.⚔️

Because of the seemingly unending battles, many of us have been inclined to think that we are weak and unable to fight on✊๐Ÿฝ. We think that we don't have all that it take to fight wars everyday. ๐Ÿ†Such mentality keeps us stranded in thin worlds and we see no way out. ⚔️

The person you are is one that is might in battle.✊๐Ÿฝ You are a might warrior in battle. You have been dressed up like a warrior.๐Ÿ† You have been equiped with all that it takes to fight the daily war. ⚔️Every morning, your creator gives you the weapons that you need to fight the battles that are in that day. You are not lacking. ✊๐ŸฝQuit worrying about your inadequacy and focus on the unlimited power that you posses๐Ÿ†. Let alone those that call you weak and open your ears to those that appreciate your strength. Somebody will draw at your nerves, to claim your emotions very early in the morning; know that you have what it takes to conquer. You are able to win.⚔️ You may have wars in your family, it is not in your position to worry about who wins.✊๐Ÿฝ The medal has already been allocated to you. You are more than a conquerer.๐Ÿ† The words that people throw at you can not throw you down. You are strong within.⚔️ And everything that happens in your life, know for sure that you have all that it takes to win the battles.๐Ÿ†

                      GOD BLESS YOU.

 @Newrealms                           244th msg


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