There is something that drives somebody. ⛽It is not out of somebody. πŸš•It is within somebody.🌳 In as much as the body is driven by the engine called brain, the soul also is driven by an engine.⛽

πŸš•A survey has revealed that over 40 percent of the workers are motivated by the presence of their fellow workers. 🌳
There are times we wake up and feel energy at its peak. ⛽There are times that we wake up and feel motivated within.πŸš• These times drive us through the day and we feel we can achieve anything. 🌳
But there are also times where we feel less wanting and demotivated. ⛽At those times, we are not pushed by anything to do anything.πŸš• We feel we should just nap and have the day just for ourselves. 🌳

It is clear that the same soul is influenced by different emotional states at different times.⛽ There is a force that needs fueling Everytime you need to push up.πŸš• There is an engine you need to fuel if you need to move on.🌳

 You need to find the thing that is so good today that will motivate you . ⛽Say something nice about yourself and you feel a change. It is the soul's engine.

πŸš•Have you ever thought about this trick?🌳 Sit down in a quiet place⛽. Breath in so deeply that you release stress that is against smooth blood flow. πŸš•Release your thoughts for the moment; just not thinking about anything but where you are now, what you are putting on, how you are seated...; close your eyes.🌳 Then after having the right posture, get to your deep self and say to yourself, "I am handsome." OR "I am beautiful." ⛽

Say those words with deepest of your emotions.πŸš• If it brings tears, so let it...just be deep within your soul. 
The above words about your looks will just threaten you if you had never said them before. And am sure some of you have.⛽ That's because they will twist your soul for a moment; at such an angle than the usual way.πŸš•

You can say to your soul ," am a rich man." OR am a rich woman. 🌳If you say what you truely are, believe me or not, that will trigger your emotional state. ⛽ It feels somewhat other worldly!πŸš• I even don't know how to describe the feeling, but having said such real words to yourself, at a deep emotional state will give you an alien feeling.🌳

Wake up every morning and fuel your soul.⛽ Drive into it what will energise it. Drive deeper love for what you do .πŸš• Drive deeper affection to those with whom you work; let your workmates be the reason you work hard .🌳 Drive down a word that will sink and stick to the bottom of your soul. They are the soul's engine.⛽ Do you have the right engine?

                    GOD BLESS YOU.

  @Newrealms.                         239th msg



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