

VICTIMS OF SHEOL There is a dark place that is believed by many as the place of the dead. 🤖It is filled with darkness and there is no light in that place. 🤖According to the belief, those that die see nothing but darkness and dwell in sheol.🤖 You see, the greatest ingredient in this is that there is darkness and no light for those that die.🤖 Darkness and light are a symbol that show hope and hopelessness, knowledge and ignorance.🤖 Even when Christ came to rescue us from the Fangs of the evil one, he did so by bringing hope to the hopeless, knowledge to the ignorant.🤖 🤖One fact I have come to realize is that those who are said to be hopeless always let hopelessness thrive. 🤖Even those that are ignorant have knowledge that they call wise. 🤖A mad man will not say am mad. 🤖They will see what they do is wise. They will love their own actions. 🤖Actually a mad man will find another mad man and will exclaim at the level of madness that the other has begotten.🤖 Not reali


GET OVER IT.  God who made the universe is not within the universe.🥦 Though he has the power to go through the universe but he cannot be controlled by the forces that are within the universe. He is controlled by self. He is Dictated by self.🥦 Everything is at His control.🥦 🥦The circumstances that frustrate us are not circumstances outside of us.🥦 They are circumstances we are into. 🥦Being into the circumstance means you are being controlled by the circumstance rather than having the control over the circumstances🥦. Control here means knowledge about what is exactly taking place, knowledge about the whole circumstance, knowing the reason as to why you face what you face at the time you face.🥦 In our world, knowledge is the number one power. Even before you love you have to know that love is good. 🥦 We get strained with circumstances just because we have not gotten over it. We are into it.🥦 Don't let the situation dictate your mood. You are not worthy of the si


KNOW WHO YOU ARE Because of a large net of figures across the globe, there has been a problem of personal Identity.🍁 We have compared to other selves and have , to some extent failed to figure out who we are.🍁 And because we fail to figure out who we are, we don't fully utilize the inner riches that have been provided unto us .🦚 Additionally, we tend to get frustrated just because we fail to add up to the standards that we see over all sorts of social media.🦚 Such frustrations have further made us isolated and feel empty .🍁 There is good news today.🍁 The self that you are has an identity that has and will never exist.🦚 The God that created you from the inside to the outside made it all different. 🦚 There are patterns of inner riches that lie in you that are found no where else but within you alone.🍁 The stamp God put in you is unique. Know that , - from today onwards.🍁 If your life was to be displayed on screen from start to finish, there will not be any resem


THE GREAT SHILOH Long time ago, there a man named Tera✊🏿. He was not known for anything. In the village that the man lived was covered with great calamity.🍄 The solution needed a soul that is peaceful to go into meditation and call divine intervention.✊🏿 The calamity needed a mind that is rich in wisdom and intelligence.🍄 The person to head the battle was expected to be rich inwardly. ✊🏿 No body thought about this man-tera . 🍄Some people recommended Tera but the Chief lord never agreed to their recommendations. ✊🏿The calamity went to its worst till the Chief lord called upon Tera.🍄 Through deep peace that beats understanding... Tera went to the deep of his soul to call divine intervention.✊🏿 For several hours, Tera meditated. Before you knew it, the calamity seized .🍄 There was peace that went through the empire and all people were amazed at what they saw.✊🏿 Tera's name changed from Tera to Shiloh... which means peace and abundance. 🍄There is a celebration t


SURE DEAL Did you that the person who was sought to have the toughest challenge in all his life lived and died in peace?👌 However much he had the toughest of the challenge in human history, he still served his turn of living and rested in peace.👌 You cannot start to live for challenges and there will be no time of rest. There is a sure deal. 👌You are here to serve a life of worth and will give it up to he that gave it to you.👌 Christ, however much he was persecuted and bullied, he would definitely had to die and receive His glories.👌 Moses, however much he was given headache by the Israelites all day during their walk to the promised Land, he served his turn and rested in peace👌. Even Job, he didn't have his whole life as a test.👌 He was tried and tested for a given period of time ; it ended and he enjoyed wealth and rested in peace. 👌Now what am trying to mean is not just a matter of death, it is a matter of having to go through some circumstances and yet end.


EPIC HORIZON Because of seemingly unending trials, we are inclined to think that nothing holds in our future.🍄 There is nothing that drains a soul better than how hopelessness does!🥦 Not knowing what the horizons hold is Walking in thick darkness that rubs against your skin.  But as children of God we walk in light.🍄 We know what holds. The problem we have is that many times we forget who we are.🥦 And that because we forget who we are, we forget the future that is ahead of us.🍄 Whenever the hard wave of this life hits us, we draw negative energies within our inner man. What God has for us ahead is an epic horizon.🥦 There is more much green pastures ahead of us than the trials that we face today. 🍄We cannot have more years of having trials than the number of years that we have to enjoy and reap the results.  When we go to school and college, it may seem long being there.🥦 It may seem hard enough to shake our patience. But the job that one gets thereafter will last m


RIGHT LIGHT Many of the activities that we do require light to do them🍅. They require physical light. But there is also light of the inner man. The eye that sees all.🍅 When Christ came , He brought a different angle of understanding🍅. He changed the way we reason about reality. He brought light to the world.🍅 The light he brought is not physical light. 🍅It is the knowledge that comes through faith.🍅 🍅There are many that have chosen to take the black light, they have been led and deceived by wrong conscience. 🍅 We as children of God, are not led by wrong conscience, there is a deep spirit that has been grounded into our conscience.🍅 The spirit that helps us to do everything through Christ who strengthens us.🍅 Step into this light. It is the right light.🍅 You may have plans and you may doubt them. Don't doubt those plans.🍅 The spirit....-the light that has been imparted into your conscience is right🍅. You are not led by black forces of this world.🍅 The silen