There is a dark place that is believed by many as the place of the dead. 🤖It is filled with darkness and there is no light in that place. 🤖According to the belief, those that die see nothing but darkness and dwell in sheol.🤖

You see, the greatest ingredient in this is that there is darkness and no light for those that die.🤖 Darkness and light are a symbol that show hope and hopelessness, knowledge and ignorance.🤖 Even when Christ came to rescue us from the Fangs of the evil one, he did so by bringing hope to the hopeless, knowledge to the ignorant.🤖

🤖One fact I have come to realize is that those who are said to be hopeless always let hopelessness thrive. 🤖Even those that are ignorant have knowledge that they call wise. 🤖A mad man will not say am mad. 🤖They will see what they do is wise. They will love their own actions. 🤖Actually a mad man will find another mad man and will exclaim at the level of madness that the other has begotten.🤖 Not realizing such darkness is being a victim of sheol. 🤖

We are living in times where information flows from one place to another in seconds. 🤖You will be motivated by a person in Israel while you are in Africa🤖. We can choose to take motivations and we can also choose not to take motivations.🤖 That means hope or hopelessness is by choice. 🤖
There are many people who have chosen not to take up chapters that will see them to the next level. 🤖They have chosen to be conservative with the little they know which they know not that they don't know. 🤖They have chosen paths of dark selves. 🤖They are victims of sheol. 🤖There is no light in their eyes. 🤖All they see is an atmosphere of hatred, failure, regret, persecution, revenge, jeolousy,grumble all time... They are embedded into these and never think of return.🤖

Whenever one is embedded into thoughts of failures, they will think that those that succeed do so by luck.🤖 Whenever one is embedded in blankets of rejection, they will always think that those accepted and loved are the lucky anointed ones - who are chosen to go to "heaven" against the odds of the rest. 

🤖The element that has tied many in viscous cycles is the element of wrong conservative instincts.🤖 What is thought about is dark yet taken as a corner Stone . 🤖

Life is short, it is also long. 🤖You choose what side to take. 🤖It is black and is also white, you choose what color to take.🤖 There is a lot that God has deposited in our lives . 🤖We need to tap into that and have the fullness of our destiny. Let the sheol spirit be.! Step into the light of hope. 🤖Read and run with a mind that sounds motivation. Vibrate at high frequency. 🤖Look beyond the dark friend! There is much our God is yet to offer. 🤖Don't be Captivated in the thins of the experience that you are going through.🤖 Believe in the light of hope and wisdom that you are capable of becoming, and you will surely get to where you need to be.🤖

                   GOD BLESS YOU.

  @Newrealms                         235th msg


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