Long time ago, there a man named Tera✊๐Ÿฟ. He was not known for anything. In the village that the man lived was covered with great calamity.๐Ÿ„ The solution needed a soul that is peaceful to go into meditation and call divine intervention.✊๐Ÿฟ The calamity needed a mind that is rich in wisdom and intelligence.๐Ÿ„ The person to head the battle was expected to be rich inwardly. ✊๐Ÿฟ

No body thought about this man-tera . ๐Ÿ„Some people recommended Tera but the Chief lord never agreed to their recommendations. ✊๐ŸฟThe calamity went to its worst till the Chief lord called upon Tera.๐Ÿ„ Through deep peace that beats understanding... Tera went to the deep of his soul to call divine intervention.✊๐Ÿฟ For several hours, Tera meditated. Before you knew it, the calamity seized .๐Ÿ„ There was peace that went through the empire and all people were amazed at what they saw.✊๐Ÿฟ
Tera's name changed from Tera to Shiloh... which means peace and abundance.

๐Ÿ„There is a celebration that awaits you which will be incited by the great abundance of inner resources that you posses . What lies in you is not what people see.✊๐Ÿฟ People normally see a tip of what you exactly are. There is a great Shiloh that is in you. You are full of wisdom. ๐Ÿ„Believe in yourself. You are full of intelligence... believe in yourself. You are full of courage. ✊๐ŸฟYou cannot know that all these things exist in you unless you step into the world and do what takes courage, peace, and abundance of the soul. Don't be shy. ✊๐ŸฟThe world out there needs to see the gifts that God has placed in you. They need to see the great Shiloh.๐Ÿ„

Never think that there is someone who is better that you. The pattern of your making within your soul, spirit and mind is unique. ✊๐ŸฟGod never made us alike. Even when you are identical twins, there is a mark that is different. ๐Ÿ„
The greatness that lies in you is beyond imagination... beyond measure. God has created a universe within you. ✊๐ŸฟEvery tissue is strong. You are able to do that that is before you. You are a great Shiloh.๐Ÿ„ You are able to complete that that people call difficult. You are able to finish that business...that project.✊๐Ÿฟ People will definitely despise, but God never despises you on such account.๐Ÿ„ He knows the great Shiloh that is in you.✊๐Ÿฟ If you want to be a great explorer, explore the great universe that is in you.๐Ÿ„

                     GOD BLESS YOU.

 @Newrealms                            232th msg


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