Jesus had walked with His disciples for many years.🐒 They knew who he was. They knew he was the promised Messiah.🐟 They knew he was the Christ that was foretold. The disciples saw all the miracles and wonderful things that Jesus did. They definitely knew that he was the son of God.🐒

It was all tranquil till it came a drastic moment.🐟 It came the moment Jesus started to speak and sing about death. It was the most horrible moment for the "little ones"; who knew that they would spend a life time being with the Messiah. 🐒
He clearly told them he was supposed to be crucified.🐟
One thing he also made sure they knew about was that the disciples would be scattered on the account of His troubles. They will no longer be the one soul that they were then.🐒
And peter being a brave disciple, reassured Jesus that he can never have such a thing happen. 🐟To nullify his claim, Jesus continued and said that peter will openly deny Jesus. 🐒Peter was torn down. He said that even if it meant death, he can never reach such disloyal points.🐟

It was evening and Jesus having been punished thoroughly, the terrorists asked Peter, "aren't you also one of His disciples." Peter said," I know nothing about what you are talking about. Another gang questioned him the same way. But he still denied it. 🐒

There are people who, however much close they are to you, they cannot handle a certain class of your suffering. 🐟They can walk with you to some point but will quit when things go terribly bad for you.
That is why when starting a race , you can start as many.🐒 But as time goes by, several participants start to quit. It is even worse who you have reached the peak. The steep slopes will filter many of the people in your life.🐟 There will be denial. They cannot handle the difficulties. They cannot handle the challenges. 🐒They will leave you all alone.
But never loose hope. Keep moving.🐟 Some disciples that were once scattered will soon gather to celebrate your victory. They will unite for your sake.🐒

                    GOD BLESS YOU

 # Simon kutosi                           315th msg


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