You woke up today's morning, only to find yourself in a different place🐠. It is a place that has many rooms with different persons in them.🌳

 The first room is where you are. 🦩The second room has yourself in a different skin color.🐠 Another has yourself at a different look much taller than you do now.🌳 Another has yourself 25 years older than you are. 🦩
There is also a room that has a very young self ....just 10 years old of age. But as you continue - you encounter different selves.🐠 There is a room with yourself rich. In that room, you feel more motivated, more courageous, yet you are a thief there. 🌳You have embezzled funds from different angles and have made wealth; your courage has even made you take on initiatives of organising robberies.🦩 You are well known in the world of sheol...victim of sheol indeed!🐠

As we go further, we encounter a self that is typically impoverished.🌳 You are too poor that you cannot afford food, skin oil, shelter. You see yourself their as a rug .🦩 All your cloths are torn and your scent is unpleasant. 🐠Whatever is on you is sick to the eye. Your skin looks sick. There is lack of proper medication.🌳

But there is a special room. You enter it and feel at peace with yourself.🦩 You feel complete within. You feel more hope just as you encounter the other self-version. 🐠
The self here has happiness within. You have helped others to succeed and feel one with the universe.🌳 You have gained wealth through self motivation and feel accomplished.🦩 You have a good health through the years of exercise. 🐠You have better knowledge through the years of experience and study. The love of God shines on you. 🌳Your emotions have been washed and you have the best of emotions. Your energy is all enthusiastic.🦩You look great with a polished spirit and body. Your soul is content and never comparing and jeolousy.🐠

What kind of chart would prefer?.🌳 We have seen the different charts of self-version. 🦩Would you prefer one with the self that is greedy and with poverty in and out?🐠 Or would you prefer a self that is enthusiastic and at with knowledge and good character.🌳
The self that you prefer is built brick after brick. 🦩If you invest in bad character today, they will grow up to form a self that is poor in and out.🐠 But if today, you choose to be fully motivated, fully at study with the universe, full of patience; you choose to practice perseverance, positive thinking; you like it or not, the self after 25 years will be far better than the self before.🌳

                   GOD BLESS YOU.

  @Newrealms                          237th msg


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