When asked about our best moments, we say this day was my best moment;π¦ that day was my best day;π¦ this occasion was my best time.π¦ We tend to think and believe it in our hearts that our best days have come and have passed....No...π¦
π¦Your best days are yet to come.π¦
The times you have so far lived are not the best and are not the most times.π¦ You have just lived less than a quarter of your life.π¦ Never think or make it in your mind that the worst has happened and that there is no better tomorrow.π¦
π¦The land is green.π¦ However much the sun shines red hot, there will be a time of rains and plentiful harvests. π¦The land will be greener in those times to come.π¦ So never think that if there is no rain now, there will never be rain in the coming times.π¦
Your best season is yet to come.π¦
*#Simon k*. 96th msg_
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