🌺Have you ever wondered who God really is?..... And how far His🌺 fraternities extend? Have you ever thought of what He can ultimately do?🌺

🌺If you have ever, then you have never known. 🌺Knowing His supremacy and ultimate ability is beyond our compression🌺. The God we serve cannot be contained in our minds; even if you were to count His abilities from the least to the greatest🌺.

🌺You pray for God to give you what you want......He is able to do more than that.🌺
The bible say He is able to do exceedingly abundantly more than we think or imagine.🌺
You want God to drive you out of the challenge you are into now, He can do more than.🌺

🌺God has created realms of reality that are beyond our human compression.🌺 The worlds we see today are the lowest realm of reality🌺 - the broad universe with it's contents.🌺
Now this is what is beyond understanding in the universe we are into.....🌺 The earth you are on now is a planet that goes round the sun🌺....with the moon going round the earth. 🌺However, besides the earth, there are 7 more planets that are going round the sun🌺...with some having moons. 🌺That kind of system is called a solar system🌺. Besides the our sun( our solar system), there are other solar system in our galaxy alone.🌺 According to astronomy, 🌺there are billions of solar systems in our galaxy alone🌺. A galaxy is what contains various solar systems.🌺 And in the observable universe, there are trillions of galaxies. 🌺It means planets are septillion upon billions of planets in this universe🌺. That is just the lowest realm of reality.🌺 And it is beyond compression🌺. What about the higher realms.🌺 OUR GOD IS GREAT. 🌺

🌺Whatever challenge you are going through now, it is not too strong for God to manage.🌺 He has a purpose why you face that🌺. He has prepared more than enough for you dear.🌺 Never worry, when these times of agony end, you will swim in immeasurable resources🌺 with peace beyond imagination🌺 and will remember no more sorrow.🌺

                _GOD BLESS YOU._

 *#Simon k*.                    B81st msg_


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