

CHOOSE YOUR MENTALITY. The lion in it's nature is the king of the jungle. πŸ₯€πŸŒ·It hunts down that that it desires in its life. It knows that that it desires to know.πŸ₯€πŸŒ· It is not king because it is the biggest in the jungle, if it was so, then the elephant should have been. It is not king because it is the wisest, if so, then one like a monkey would have been.πŸ₯€πŸŒ· Not because it is the fastest, the shrewdest; but because of its mentality. It has a strong mind that strengthens the body.πŸ₯€πŸŒ· Your challenge doesn't need you to be the strongest to fight; the tallest or the best in whatever grade of lifeπŸ₯€πŸŒ·. You need to have the right mentality to over ride the challenge. The challenges may not choose you but you choose to choose the mentality.πŸ₯€πŸŒ· Your perceptions influence your output. You cannot get the right output if you don't have the right perception.πŸ₯€πŸŒ· You should not expect the best results if your mentality is not the best. Change your mind .πŸ₯€πŸŒ· The life you choose ...


NEVER GIVE UP.      Looking at life, it is what you design it to be. It is filled with ups and filled with downs.🧜🏼‍♂️ You can never move through any form of life; even if you reincarnated 1000 years in future; and never find downs in this earthly life. Even the smallest of the creatures underneath the sea or deepest in the earth face challenges. 🧜🏼‍♂️That is why ants and termites never stop working day and night. The wealthiest of countries on earth are the ones with the longest working hours compared to all nations.🧜🏼‍♂️ Workers work like there is no tomorrow. The richest of the people never sleep and sluggish around.🧜🏼‍♂️ They work day and night and sleep a little. This working ethics means they face challenges; challenges that never let them sleep or slumber. 🧜🏼‍♂️They are always on the move. Challenges are in every corner. Either among the wealthy, or among the poor.🧜🏼‍♂️ You only choose what kind of level you wish handle and tackle what kind of challenge...


  BEYOND LIMIT.  In all the understandings of men, πŸ‡there is no time one can fathom all that God has in mind.πŸ‡ No one can realize all that God has in store.πŸ‡ Somebody may say all that they can say against your movementsπŸ‡. You may seem to somebody as a useless somebody.πŸ‡ People may have limited your destiny within their minds.πŸ‡ But limiting your own destiny just within their minds doesn't mean God has been limited.!πŸ‡ Them putting an end to your going doesn't mean God has been limited to whatsoever He is supposed to do with you.πŸ‡ God is not limited by people. He is not limited by circumstancesπŸ‡. Your destiny is not limited by what transpires in your life now.πŸ‡ There is more ahead than what is present now. There is more unseen than what is seen.πŸ‡ Your future is beyond these limits. If our God is for us, then who will go against us..?πŸ‡                                      ...


DON'T WASTE TIME WORRYING. Because you belong to the class of priesthood and royalty,πŸ¦„ God your father gives attention to every step of your life.πŸ¦„ Be it in dark times or times of splendor. There are moments we all reach and start doubting our stand in lifeπŸ¦„. We ask God all questions calling for reason as to why we face the challenges we face. πŸ¦„We start to feel as if God has abandoned us and left us to find out our own way even after calling upon Him to guide.πŸ¦„ There is no time God sleeps and forgets about you the chosen oneπŸ¦„. It took a bit of His mind and time to think about good reasons as to why He should give up His only begotten son for the redemption of your soul. πŸ¦„It took Him energy to figure you out and build your body into existence.πŸ¦„ As He gave His precious son for you, you are seen as precious in His sight.πŸ¦„ He ,like any of us will always think about His most precious.πŸ¦„ God thinks about you all the time.πŸ¦„ God plans for you all the time.πŸ¦„ You are His most prec...


DON'T BE BLURRY. Even at the peak of it's flight, the eagle still has a clear vision of it's preyπŸ¦‹. It still holds it's ambition regardless of the stormy winds within clouds at high heights. πŸ¦‹ When the going gets tough, it also gets tough with it's ambition.πŸ¦‹ In this season, things may seem not moving as you would like them to.πŸ¦‹ You have encountered stormy clouds; but even though the atmosphere is tough for you in this season, don't let your dream become blurryπŸ¦‹. You should continuously focus your mind to your dream. There is something better ahead. πŸ¦‹If you focus your energy on these temporary events of lack and unsatisfied needs, what more will you leave for your future. πŸ¦‹ There is a future that will need your mind.πŸ¦‹ Don't waste your mind being frustrated today. Never give up at this point.πŸ¦‹ You are moving and for your best luck, God is leading the way. Don't let your mind be blinded by the small incidences that happened today or yesterday.πŸ¦‹ ...


YOU ARE REMEMBERED. As the season declines from abundance to limited, we tend to loose hopes in our supreme supplier.πŸ˜” We feel hopeless and disregarded. The time is never constant, there is time to laugh and time to become sad. There is time of happiness and time of sorrow.πŸ’ When sorrow comes, this doesn't mean you have been disconnected from the supreme supplier.πŸ™… This season may seem may seem frustrating. You may think like the israelites thought when they were on their way to the promised land; they asked Moses as to why they were not left in Egypt to enjoy the vegetables and good food.πŸ‘ŒπŸΎ They thought of the splendor they had left just to follow Moses to the promised land. But their suffering didn't mean God had left them. God was actually more closer with them as they headed to the future.πŸ™ In the times of agony, God was closer to the israelites. There is a promised land God has prepared for you, yet there is a desert you are to go through.πŸ‘‡ ...


USE YOUR LANGUAGE. There is uncertainty of thought that draws in the mind whenever somebody wants to take a strange Step .πŸ₯ Because your idea is new , and no body has used it before and affirmed it's validity, you tend to draw fears in your heart that this won't work out. πŸ₯ You develop feeling of islands . πŸ₯ The old ideas never became old from old,πŸ₯ but they became old and we'll known after they had been new at one point. πŸ₯They were strange ideas at first. Nobody knew them beforeπŸ₯. Someone drew his own map and pinned the idea on it till it worked.πŸ₯ You may have a language that is unique from what others useπŸ₯. Your language has a part it holds on the world map. πŸ₯Your language has a role it plays on the world platform. Your idea is important .πŸ₯ Because you are different, you don't need to copy some other people's strands of action.πŸ₯ You don't need to apply same methods in your business like your neighbor doesπŸ₯. Use your language. What God has placed in...