Even at the peak of it's flight, the eagle still has a clear vision of it's prey🦋. It still holds it's ambition regardless of the stormy winds within clouds at high heights. 🦋 When the going gets tough, it also gets tough with it's ambition.🦋
In this season, things may seem not moving as you would like them to.🦋 You have encountered stormy clouds; but even though the atmosphere is tough for you in this season, don't let your dream become blurry🦋. You should continuously focus your mind to your dream. There is something better ahead. 🦋If you focus your energy on these temporary events of lack and unsatisfied needs, what more will you leave for your future. 🦋
There is a future that will need your mind.🦋 Don't waste your mind being frustrated today. Never give up at this point.🦋 You are moving and for your best luck, God is leading the way. Don't let your mind be blinded by the small incidences that happened today or yesterday.🦋 They happened and they are gone. But there is something still coming.🦋 Don't be frustrated by economic depression, it is not the end of finance and resources, God has much more in store.🌾
When they say it is limited, that money is lost or gold has gone extinct, it doesn't mean there is "no".🌾 It means these resources have gone to some point during the cycle and gotten stuck at that point.🌾 So they are not flowing like they should. It doesn't mean that it is all done.🌾 Our God still has it all; as it was in the beginning and in the end. 🌾There is still money and resources that you need . 🌾They will flow at speeds that you yarn for.🌾
Keep you dream firm in your mind; what God is yet to do in the near future will surpass the sorrow that is today.🌾
#Simon kutosi. _145th msg_
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