

WHISPERS IN THE NIGHT There was a beautiful woman in a land afar.🎶 She was in Nazareth born in a Jewish community in 20BC. Her name is Miriam. But the English call her Mary.☃️ Miriam is a Hebrew name that means "wished for a child", "a beloved child".🌃 Miriam grew up to become strong.🎶 She kept disciplines all times and was loved. A point came that would change her life. It was a point in the night.☃️ As she kept silent and meditated within her soul, a whisper dropped .🌃 Her prickling ears couldn't help but draw sharpened attention. 🎶It was as though the dwarfs beheld a jungle goddess of luck; whose whispers are magic to those who can hear and interpret.  She paid attention.☃️ "You will bear a child whose name is Immanuel, which means 'God is with us'." The Angel said.🌃 To her surprise, she she was to bear the child supernaturally. 🎶It was a hard to agree with story. The times they were in were times where people waited for t


THE NIGH MORNING She is 8 months and 25 days pregnant. Her time to deliver is soon. She carries the holy one.🌌 Mary, is preparing her ground to set forth a son that she longed to see.🌌 She carries the begotten one...his name will be called Jesus. Even when she feels the pain in today's night, joy will be at one morning.🌌 She patiently waits for the morning to come...the nigh morning.  It will be a morning of the greatest miracle. 🌌 The times God sets are not too far...they are just right.🌌 His promises unto us are not in vain, they are near us. It is at one point that a morning will be a morning of your miracle.🌌 Sorrows may last for a night but there is joy that will come in the morning🌌. It won't be long before God sees you through His great promises. Even when you are in labor pains, relief and joy awaits you the next morning.🌌 The pains you face today are an indication that you are in the nigh morning; close nearness to your destiny.🌌  Things don't


SOUNDS OF THE SEASON In the quietest of the nights, we longed to see one that will show mercies🌲. We needed to see a hand that will wipe away our tears. We wanted salvation.🥁 It had been long since we received our heartfelt desire.🌲 The almighty is faithful.🥁 He is true to those that long for him...for those who patiently wait upon his salvation. He sent a man to redeem us🌲. He sent His first fruit to wipe away our tears.🥁 It is here that we behold Him. Jesus was born to us. 🌲He came to see to it that we receive happiness and receive it in fullness.🥁 The sounds of this season are not one that we sang in the dark of the night when we longed to see true salvation. 🌲The sounds of the season are sounds of joy. They are sounds of fulfilment.🥁 The Lord has done more Wonders than we can count. The greatest of the miracle is in this season.🌲 It is time to recall the wonders that He has done for us and we go up in praise. 🥁The son is our Emmanuel. He is our lamp that shi


TRUST THE PROCESS. Millions of years ago, the earth was empty. It had no inhabitants🧗. They were brought in two who would later be the seed of humanity🌲. They did nothing much in those years rather than plough land and make hand crafts.🧗 They got inspiration from the natural environment🌲. As they became numerous, they got inspiration from each other and made better arts🧗. They were not at speeds to great breakthroughs but rather inner expression. 🌲 When it came to a fact that humans had made a billion in population, it became a thing of competition🧗. They started to compete against the no increasing resources on the same land. 🌲They got inspiration from others and were also threatened at the progress of others🧗. When it became a hard to bear fact that we made it to 8 billion humans in the 21 century, pressure increased and competition is like never before.🌲 Every one wants to eat of the bread of 21st century... every one wants to be part of the tech breakthrough.


ARTS OF A DIEING HORSE . There is a group that rises against you at one point of life.🐎 They come at all angles with all kinds of weapons🐎. They want to see you fall. When they see progress, they want to see that you don't move any further. They are "right"... because it is an art of a dieing horse. 🐎 When a horse is being slaughtered, it will gnash it's teeth like never before.🐎 It will open it's eyes to it's widest like never before. It will yell to it's top like never before. It will struggle for it's life like never before.🐎 It's actions will be so strange compared to it's normal behavior.  Some people are likened to dieing horses .🐎 When they see you go further, they will act very strangely in the manner that is unseen of. 🐎Even when you had a good relationship before, they will behave as though they had never known you before.🐎 They will speak words to intimidate you, they will treat you unkindly. They get threatened w


BURNT A man was sailing across a lake towards an island to explore something.🛶 He sailed for many miles and reached the island. 🔥His boat unfortunately got broken a few meters before touching the land.🛶 It was as if fortunate since it didn't break while he was in the middle of the lake. 🔥However, where the bad story starts is when he can't go back. 🛶 He however went on making the discoveries before night time. 🔥 He afterwards knew there was a real trouble.🛶 He prayed to God to pave a way for him so that he could peacefully get back home🔥. But since it was night already, he decided to build a house from the broken pieces of the boat to spend the night there. 🌳 This was as though God had started working.🔥 When morning came, he still prayed to God to send him help so that he could find his way off the island. 🌳As he rested under a shelter, he beheld fire consuming the very house he had built. This was real trouble for him.🔥 He grumbled against God as to why


YOUR TIME TO WIN WILL COME.  There is a cheap but rather rewarding phenomenon I have observed when parties battle.🌳 Party A starts the war with much energy. She fights party B at all lengths.🌳 Party B is hit thoroughly and seems to lose the strengths🌳. It takes time and party A still holds the upper hand in the battle. 🌳 But at point x and time y, party B comes with rejuvenated strength to fight party A at new angles.🌳 She fights party A at the very last times when the battle is about to be declared null.🌳 At that point, party A is tired and feels like giving up. Yet party B has mastered all the fine lines of swinging the blow and effectively cause damage🌳. And in the end of it all, party B wins the Battle. It is her time to win.🌳 There are several times in life where it seems that the black stage of trials and setbacks has taken on. It seems too long and makes us feel desolate. 🌳We even lose hope and want to give up on everything. But one thing to remember is that