Millions of years ago, the earth was empty. It had no inhabitants🧗. They were brought in two who would later be the seed of humanity🌲. They did nothing much in those years rather than plough land and make hand crafts.🧗 They got inspiration from the natural environment🌲. As they became numerous, they got inspiration from each other and made better arts🧗. They were not at speeds to great breakthroughs but rather inner expression. 🌲
When it came to a fact that humans had made a billion in population, it became a thing of competition🧗. They started to compete against the no increasing resources on the same land. 🌲They got inspiration from others and were also threatened at the progress of others🧗. When it became a hard to bear fact that we made it to 8 billion humans in the 21 century, pressure increased and competition is like never before.🌲 Every one wants to eat of the bread of 21st century... every one wants to be part of the tech breakthrough. 🧗All want to see that they have enough of the resources to themselves in order to survive the sweeping waves of the generation.🌲
Because of increasing pressure, many of us have become increasingly anxious in endless ambitions. 🧗We set targets and are highly obsessed about them. In so doing, many want to run faster than the process.🌲
It's not the running faster than your legs that will see you to the ends of destiny. 🧗It is the arts of trusting the process. You need to cultivate inner calmness🌲. You need to know that your share is right there and you will have it at the right time. 🧗You need to know that left or right, your destiny will heed to your call.🌲 You will definitely become all who God has created you to be . You will meet the job that God has prepared for you.🧗 The plan of God is not limited by number or competition🌲. It comes even when you yourself don't expect it to.🧗
It is not all upon you to drive all the factors that go into play in achieving your ends. 🌲There is a power that plays the tune for those who trust the process🧗. Let not your heart be burdened.🌲 Know this from today that left or right, sorrows or happiness; God's purpose in your life will surely come to pass.🧗
# Simon kutosi. 276th msg
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