

MOVING AT THE SPEED OF THE HOLY SPIRIT     Many times, life seems to move at a pace we don't desire🦨. And because we see others moving at a greater rate compared to ours, we feel we are much slower than we should be.🦨 Today, I wanna tell you that the pace at which you move is as the SPIRIT wishes. It is God who fashioned it that way.🦨 Whenever we set dreams and ambitions, we feel alot of energy flowing.🦨 This kind of great energy in us makes us want to run rather than move. It motivates us to points of wanting to go faster through our ambitions.🦨 And at times , whenever we try running faster than our set pace, we injure ourselves. 🦨The injuries make us lose the pace and drag our motivation behind.🦨 Because others run fast, it doesn't mean you should run fast as they do. 🦨Whenever we copy the speeds of others to our own , we still injure ourselves. Our legs have been designed to run at a particular speed that is different from others.🦨 One thing I should tel


FLYING ON WINGS OF GRACE       I used to here something. That you can use this and that app to access "free" apps and free books🦅. Some websites say you will have free music. Years ago, I thought "free" meant totally free🌳. I could go to the websites turn off my data and download the books. To my surprise, they never download.🦅 Tried over and over but never downloaded. Just bought data and tried out and they did download.🌳 To my understanding in those times , I thought free meant free data from start to finish.🦅 Yet free simply meant no payments attached. It is a system of grace. Grace that avails for you to swim through with lesser costs.🌳 There is something that someone has been entitled to that not everyone is entitled to.🦅 There is a system that God has put in place that someone can access that not everyone is entitled to access. The wings of grace are given to thee. 🌳 The Israelites were given the wings of grace🦅. If we said God brought th


CARRY THE CROSS DAILY.    Jesus in His life time, had a promised end .⚜️ He however couldn't meet that end without having paid the price for it⚜️. The price was to suffer among men, be tortured everyday and be crucified in the end .⚜️  There was something everyday that presented as pain that made it worthy for His attachment to the glories. ⚜️At the end He received the glories promised by the father.⚜️ Many victorious people have talked of stories of how they have led a life of daily crosses. ⚜️Their testimonies rely on how the daily crosses have enabled them to become what they have become.⚜️ There is a cross you have to carry everyday in your journey of success.⚜️ There is a pain you have to encounter everyday as you move towards glories.⚜️ However , you will not carry that for good.⚜️ The end of it will definitely come. The end will be victorious and pleasing.⚜️ You will definitely see your success. ⚜️You will definitely meet your desires.⚜️ There is no pain that sta


YOU HAVE TIME, GOD HAS A SHOW      In His art of creation, God has set everything interconnected.🦩 In this way, there is something God needs from you and there is something you need from God.🐟 Many times while movingthrough life we think we are alone.🦩 Because of the seemingly unending troubles that come our way, we feel desperate.🐟 We feel our challenges have gone beyond us and that we have lost all the control over them. 🦩We feel the challenges are eating the eternal cake and that we have no significant share. 🐟We feel nature is all against us and our part to enjoy is no where to be seen.🦩 When the Bible says that the challenges that happen to us are not strange matters.🐟 It means such matters are well known by God your loving father.🦩 And also Him knowing that such challenges come your way , He knows absolute reasons as to why. There is a share that God seeks from you🐟. This has made whatever happens in your life take a show.🦩 When God let the devil take a p


RELAX     🍒 Many times, because of the different challenges we meet that call for different moods, we tend to be anxious and nervous. 🍒Many people seem to be moving ahead of us at a speed that we desire. Yet we are moving at a much lower pase 🌳. All these make us nervous and weary about our future.🌳 At times we meet people who act strangely and perhaps talk ill against us.🍒 The very loved people of ours say words that make us feel inferior.🍒 Disappointments step in; whenever we encounter situations that don't rhim with our heart felt desires, we feel broken.🌳 Maybe you get low profits at a time you need it the most. 🌳Maybe you get a low school grade at a time you think you have worked the most.🍒 Maybe your partner misbehaves at a time you think they should be doing their best.🍒 All these break our energies . They pop in low moods🌳. These low moods demoralize us and make us feel nothing🌳. We feel God isn't on our side. We work out days with tiresomeness .


BREAK THE VICIOUS CYCLE    Walk in , walk out; if you are a looser.🌱 Try again.🌱 Walk in ,walk out; if you are nothing.🐞 Many times, we have used same patterns of trial and error yet still hold onto the same mindset as we had when we failed.🌱  Persistence is not the point that means - use one way and try continuously🐞. It doesn't mean you have to rotate on the same axis until you expect the results that you are upto. 🌱 Persistence means that learn the hard lesson and try another round at a different angle on the same plane. It is likened to hitting a Mango on a tree🐞. Standing in one place to hit the same figure 100 times may not bring the object down. But using different angles to hit the same fruit will yield better results in the end. 🌱 Many times we have been caught up in viscous cycles and yet expect better results. 🐞We do the same thing the same way with the Same mind and same inspiration yet require better results in the end. 🌱 Th


THE ELITES    The Bible says ....; :You are the salt of the world.🧚🏻‍♀️ Salt is essential to food. One ingredient that is superior in value of need.🌳 However much you added all the other ingredients in the food without including salt, the food will lose its quality. There will be no value to the food.🧚🏻‍♀️ There is a people that God has set aside who are the engine of the earth. 🌳They are the cream of the nations. They are strong people...; A pillar on which the world stands.🧚🏻‍♀️ Without them, the world is nothing. Without them, the world would have perished.🌳 Their strength is known; what they say is what comes to pass. They are more than conquerors.🧚🏻‍♀️ They are children of royalty...whose capabilities is a power beyond compression.🌳 They are the chosen ones of God.. whose names are in heaven.🧚🏻‍♀️ My dear brother and my dear sister in Christ, the Lord has your name written in His palms. He has endowed you with more than you think you have . 🌳He has given