The Bible says ....; :You are the salt of the world.π§π»♀️
Salt is essential to food. One ingredient that is superior in value of need.π³ However much you added all the other ingredients in the food without including salt, the food will lose its quality. There will be no value to the food.π§π»♀️
There is a people that God has set aside who are the engine of the earth. π³They are the cream of the nations. They are strong people...; A pillar on which the world stands.π§π»♀️ Without them, the world is nothing. Without them, the world would have perished.π³
Their strength is known; what they say is what comes to pass. They are more than conquerors.π§π»♀️ They are children of royalty...whose capabilities is a power beyond compression.π³
They are the chosen ones of God.. whose names are in heaven.π§π»♀️
My dear brother and my dear sister in Christ, the Lord has your name written in His palms. He has endowed you with more than you think you have . π³He has given you such endowments for a greater purpose.π§π»♀️ The world doesn't live by the standards that the Lord desires.π³ The world has not been blessed like you have been. The God you serve is the greatest of all. You are an elite in this world .π§π»♀️ You who are called by the name of the mighty father are the greatest of all. You who are children of light are made to rule in power.π³
If you don't pray, the world won't standπ§π»♀️. If you don't stand and take control, the world will fall on itself. God has given you more than the world has gottenπ³. You have been made great for the sake of the many.
Stop sitting on your abilities.π§π»♀️ Stop shying away from success. The psalmist said that he will seek success for the sake of the house of God. π³You need to uncover your greatness for the sake of the people God has set before you. π§π»♀️
Don't say that what you have is enough and that you don't need to work for greater horizonsπ³. It may be enough for you...but not for us all. The people that God has set before you need you more.π§π»♀️ They need the much that God has set in you. π³They need your hand. They need your abilities. Seek to prosper to greater horizons for the sake of the house and the people of God.π§π»♀️ Climb the ladder to its limit till the world has gotten the best of you. You are the elite.π³ You are the cream....a people called by God for a greater purpose.
# Simon kutosi. 199th msg
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