

GOD THINKS ABOUT YOU.  Because you pray and an answer takes time to come back to you, ๐Ÿ‹you conclude that God never cares about you. The language God may use to send back an answer may be different from yours. ๐Ÿ‹You may shoot verbal prayers, yet God uses dream to give you the answer that you desire. ๐Ÿ‹You may have been in your private room while you were making your prayer, yet God's answer could have come through the people you communicate with.๐Ÿ‹ Whatever route the Lord uses to give you back the answer doesn't mean God has not answered.๐Ÿ‹ It does not mean He cares no more about your endless prayers.๐Ÿ‹ God still cares about you.๐Ÿ‹ Within scripture , He says that He has a good plan for you๐Ÿ‹. A plan to prosper you and not to harm you. Such scribblings indicate that God always thinks about you๐Ÿ‹. If He says you are His most precious creature on earth, what else on earth would He think about other than you.๐Ÿ‹ Where else would His eyes be other than where you heart lies. ๐Ÿ‹ God is


M any times after being over come by negativities,๐Ÿ  overcome by the people who seem to use a wrong route compared to ours, overcome by a failure that past in our lives; ๐Ÿ we start to imagine what we would be if such circumstances and people never crossed our lives.๐Ÿ  You start to put claims that you would be a better person if you did not have the husband who nags you all day. ๐Ÿ You start to believe that you could be a better person if you were given some huge amounts of money.๐Ÿ  And that if time could reverse, you would turn a given event around and would be a better person.๐Ÿ  Such blind wishes can never come true.๐Ÿ  You will spend your life time wishing. What has happened has happened.๐Ÿ  You are where you are. Whoever you think pushed you to where you are is not to be blamed. ๐Ÿ The husband you have now is not to blamed for your lame family. The wife you have is not to be blamed for your broken family.  YOU ARE TO BE BLAMED.๐Ÿ  STOP WISHING AND REWORK YOURSELF.๐Ÿ  Your chal


CHARACTER PRODUCTION. Whenever challenges come and pass, there is a spirit left behind๐Ÿข. A character is built. You can never realize you are patient unless a circumstances that requires patience comes your way.๐Ÿข You cannot realize the spirit of persistence in you unless a circumstance that requires persistence comes your way.๐Ÿข Your challenges are a table on which character is produced in you.๐Ÿข They are a production ground for character. You need to work on those grounds.๐Ÿข There is no need to weil. There is no need to sit down listing questions as to why God has abandoned you๐Ÿข. In fact God has led you to such grounds of character production. Grounds where character is built day by day ; one after the other.๐Ÿข God expects you to become a better product. He expects you to become the best version of yourself.๐Ÿข Your challenge is a necessary route to your path of success. Never despise any challenge.๐Ÿข God is preparing you for the new realms.                 _GOD BLESS YOU._  #Simon


GROWING BY UNDERSTANDING.     When we were just born ๐Ÿงšinto this world, we knew almost nothing but just one thing and the other. We knew how to find milk and how to cry when upset and hungry. ๐Ÿ™But as time grew, we grew in brains. We then knew how to crawl, interact with our fellows. Our minds were growing in understanding๐Ÿง . And the more the time grew, is the more we were exposed to the realities of this world. ๐ŸŒThe more realities we faced, the more understanding we had. The more understanding we had the more challenges we faced. All have came due to the understanding of the heart. ♥️ You cannot know you face a challenge unless you understand the challenge.๐Ÿคท And of course, if it seems that you understand the challenge, it implies that you have you have a way to navigate around or through the challenge.๐Ÿ‘Œ You may not be aware about the way out of the challenge but your brain has the way deep in the nerves. The way out is within you. ๐ŸคฒYour understanding has a way out. You should pray


The first time Adam was placed in Eden, it was time of splendor. ๐Ÿ’The perfect times God had made for humans to thrive.๐Ÿ’ It was those times that Adam saw no pain, no tears, no sorrow, no bloodshed, no wars, no poverty, no enemy, no hunger๐Ÿ’. A time where everything was exact and happened as Adam wished. ๐Ÿ’ Devil felt jealousy; and in his state, he plots for the ruins of Adam.๐Ÿ’He wants Adam to go contrary to what his sovereign master had commanded him to do - to eat the forbidden fruit.๐Ÿ’ Adam being overcome by the power of the devil, inclines his thoughts and sins against God. ๐Ÿ’He was thrown out of the beautiful garden to face starvation, war and poverty.๐Ÿ’ Yet not to thrive in them, but have zeal to look for perfection.๐Ÿ’ And regardless of the fact that Adam was thrown out of the garden, it did not mean that God gave up on His perfect plan. ๐Ÿ’A plan to have Adam and his offsprings to dwell in gardens and new realms of splendor. Though Adam and his offsprings had to fac


In God's special arrangements, ๐Ÿ’He does not make anything in an exact art. ๐ŸฆƒHe does not make same creatures, same humans. Even if there is a similarity, there is a definite difference.๐Ÿ‘Œ Never think you are no different from others.๐Ÿ™… Never think you make no difference among the 8 billion people on the planet. Let no mind tell you that you are useless. It is deceptive to say you are useless. In the eyes of God, you are incomparable.๐Ÿคฒ You are His master pieces. A useful piece in his pottery collections. ✊๐ŸพYou are specially made to accomplish God's special purpose. You are different. There is more to discover within your very self. ๐Ÿ’†Don't conclude on who you don't know you are. There is a better side in you that you don't know.๐Ÿ‘ One day you will be surprised to see the great side that lies in you. Let no one deceive you on what they think you are all about. God has something special that is hidden in you which will sprout up in it's due time.๐ŸŒพ


A man by the name Henry Ford once said that whether you think you can or you think you cannot, you are right. ๐ŸŽ And another supplemented by saying that there is nothing good and there is nothing bad.๐ŸŽ  That whatever you say is good is upto your mind, and whatever you say is bad is due to the program of the mind. ๐ŸŽ  Whatever the dream you hold in your mind, you are right.๐ŸŽ  When matter in form of idea lands into your mind, the matter either existed in the past, exists now or will exist in the coming future. ๐ŸŽ That means nothing you plan to do is impossible. If it does not exist now, it will in future. ๐ŸŽ  The dream you hold is not wrong.๐ŸŽ  The dream is right. It is possible. Never get dismayed by whatever somebody will say against your dream. ๐ŸŽ Never think it is beyond possiblity. Let me tell you this. ๐ŸŽ There is nothing you can ever think that is not in the supernatural๐ŸŽ . I mean there is nothing humans will ever think that is not in God's sphere of insights. And as God holds all p