When we were just born 🧚into this world, we knew almost nothing but just one thing and the other. We knew how to find milk and how to cry when upset and hungry.
🙍But as time grew, we grew in brains. We then knew how to crawl, interact with our fellows. Our minds were growing in understanding🧠. And the more the time grew, is the more we were exposed to the realities of this world. 🌏The more realities we faced, the more understanding we had. The more understanding we had the more challenges we faced. All have came due to the understanding of the heart. ♥️
You cannot know you face a challenge unless you understand the challenge.🤷 And of course, if it seems that you understand the challenge, it implies that you have you have a way to navigate around or through the challenge.👌 You may not be aware about the way out of the challenge but your brain has the way deep in the nerves.
The way out is within you. 🤲Your understanding has a way out. You should pray to God to open your eyes to see the way out.
In as much as we grew by understanding, we are to go further by understanding🚶. You need to broaden your understanding. Broaden the perceptions of the heart. The way you know it is the way it comes to pass.
*#Simon kutosi*. 118th msg_
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