Even in the dark times of the day she moves diligently. π¨️The dog that fell in the pit from a careless movement never falls back again.π¨️ She will mark the position and make better movements.
In those days, we did not know what we ought to do.π¨️ We moved like children. Innocent yet committing crimes to our Destiny. π¨️We did the things last year which we think that if we were to reverse the times, we wouldn't do them againπ¨️. We lost the money from wrong programs which we think if we were to reverse the times, we wouldn't lose that .
But that happened.π¨️ What happened in those days has gone up and will never return. But we are still here. We are still moving. π¨️We are still alive. The goals we set are still doable . But the brains still stand in the same place.π¨️
What to do in the new season? π¨️The pit that you fell into last season should not be the same pit that you fall into in this new season. π¨️You ought to think twice. You ought to make better steps this time.
You cannot undo the damages caused last year. π¨️You cannot go back to be a child and start a fresh page with diligence. π¨️The "child" that you can become is in this new year with a renewed mind and a renewed spirit.π¨️
The new spirit you could become is one that has learned of what clearly happened in 2024 and is willing to make better choices in 2025. The choices we make now is the future that we become.π¨️ We cannot expect bright future when the choices we make now a blunt and crooked .π¨️ We need to think twice. We need to make reformed decisions.
The future that awaits us in 2025 is great.π¨️ But the people that are to move through ought to be reformed. We cannot reform if we don't think twice.π¨️ We cannot think twice if we don't know what happened to us in the last year. As for you.π¨️ What big mistakes did you make last year that you may never have made them if you were spirited back to 2024?π¨️ What happened to you last year that you could change if you were given Chance?
It is easy to repeat the very mistakes if you think the same way.π¨️
# Simon kutosi
358th msg
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