The Israelites couldn't help but simply learn helplessness . πŸ”΅They spent 400 years in exile and needed to change that history. But how could they?πŸ”΅ A man they never knew came to their aid to change the history.πŸ”΅ But how could they trust the process. Because 400 years is many generations in slavery. πŸ”΅
But the Spirit led them to trust the process.πŸ”΅ They embarked on the journey and the Passover. πŸ”΅They couldn't continue with the brick making and all the nonsense they were in; they flipped to a new age. πŸ”΅

Even when some reached on the way and remembered the cucumbers and watermelon that they had left in Egypt, the cucumbers and watermelon couldn't be compared to the greatness that God was setting ahead of them. πŸ”΅
Even when they went through the deserts with suffering and longing, they decided to continue.πŸ”΅

There are people who may comfortably enjoy a cucumber somewhere and forget they need to flip to something new.πŸ”΅ They take their time finding what is good in the Egypt they find themselves into and forget that there is a Cannan that they need to go to. πŸ”΅

It is not the cucumbers that are desirable to you in Egypt but it is the hungers and sufferings in the desert journey to the promised land. πŸ”΅It is better to flip into the toil to the promised land than to seat with whips and watermelon. πŸ”΅
The devil is cunning, he can give you a cake to convince you that where you are is the best place to stay...that you shouldn't bother flipping to the promised land whose journey is but deserts.πŸ”΅

My dear friend, Let go of the old format and flip...life is experimental. Where you are cannot be the best to stay.πŸ”΅ But I don't mean you to leave your people and go away not to leave the job you do and go do another.πŸ”΅ I mean you to leave old fashions of living and being comfortable in the destiny you are not meant to be into.πŸ”΅ You have to embark on the journey through deserts to new things of 2025.πŸ”΅

                  GOD BLESS YOU

# Simon kutosi 
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