There was an intelligent man in a land far away.🧗 He knew how to build. He had carried on a number of projects for other people and he felt It was time to make for himself a good house.🌛 He thoroughly planned and made all the necessary demarcations🌳. He channeled various skills that would truely bring the gorgeous concept to life.🧗 However, he was building the house on a soil he was not familiar with. Though he was not a builder himself, he knew what it means to build. 🌛He set his foundation and started to build the house. 

It was a rainy season though.🌳 He built it for several months till he reached the roofing. The season was getting over . The north eastern winds had started to flow.🧗 Some winds were so strong that he could feel his house shaking. 🌛
When the winds were done, the rains came , they blew down the whole house. The man had nothing. 🌳The nature of construction was not meant for the soil and the area. He needed better techniques.🧗

There is something that tilts us to and fro, up and down .🌛 When we try one way or the other, it acts against us as though to help us find better position. 🌳The trials you make yet encounter failures are simple papers in this school🧗. You fail because you are meant to understand where you stand. It is the exotic school.🌛

There is a way we never learn unless we have been made to repeat in another way. Of course we repeat in other ways after failure🌳. It is through that - that you may move to or fro; yet never find your place . It is through that - that you move up and down and only to find your answers at the center.🧗

The man whose house was brought down by the rains later thanked the rains.🌛 Because, he discovered that he had forgotten a very important element in the foundation that is used to build on sandy soils 🌳. He also had forgotten to install parallel mentalic poles that are used in Arabian deserts to hold tall buildings from sinking. He knew if he continued by any means, the house would have collapsed on him .🧗 He therefore rebuilt a strong and gorgeous house🌛. It is one piece that stands to this day as the strongest house that has lasted over a millennium. It is a tourist sight. The man marked strong record.🌳
Failure is an opportunity for us to build stronger, yet diligently this time round. 🧗The exotic school may present papers everyday for you to be tested, but remember it only makes you stronger to shield against uncertain storms in future.🌛

                  GOD BLESS YOU

# Simon kutosi
                                  338th msg


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