There is a blank black page🎊. It is one where souls are sent to write their minds. There, they exhibit their desireπŸŽ„. The lonely page waits for those with better Writings. There are souls that write better and thick content.🎊 And there are souls that write simple content that is understood by them and only themπŸŽ„. 
However, some people take the lines to write what they also don't understand.🎊 And that what they write has limited them in one way and the other.πŸŽ„

Did you know that what you are now is a decision that you made some time ago?🎊 There is a result that you are getting today whose roots are from the Writings that you made on the previous pages of your life. πŸŽ„Everyday is a page of its own. It comes black and blank for a soul to write. It starts in the night of time.🎊
 Every day is an opportunity for you to write a piece of "poem" that will bring gratitude to your soul.πŸŽ„

There are people who have chosen to write inks of anger, revenge and unhappiness daily.🎊 And that even in this festive season, some have chosen not to celebrate because of the Writings they have writtenπŸŽ„. They have made their minds believe that celebrating the birth is not important.🎊 Well, whether their belief is right of wrong, the ink written either brings gratitude or merry to the soul.πŸŽ„

The merry measure is a writing that you choose to have on your blank page.🎊 Choose to be happy in this season...., happiness will come looking for youπŸŽ„. Choose to be busy in this season, business will come looking for you.🎊 Choose to be a merry maker, merry and joy will be for youπŸŽ„. What you choose........will be the sound of the season.🎊

                     GOD BLESS YOU.

 # Simon kutosi.                      281th msg


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