I wanted something from my teacher. 🌳He seemed business and highly disturbed. He had winded up a call which disturbed him the more.🌳 I was torn between presenting my case or leaving him to sort his emotions🌳. I knew letting him be would give me hard time to find him again. So I decided to present my case. 🌳The strong theme from his gloomy face scared me off. His thunderous voice deamed my mood.🌳 He then moved away rushing without giving me the answer.
I went away lowly and uncertain.🌳 I inherited his gloomy face. I was enraged at the experience.
But later I knew such inheritance won't make me happy🌳. I mean "why should my day be ruined because of a single figure".🌳 I chose happiness instead.🌳

There are many times we encounter circumstances that seem to devalue what we have within. We meet people that spell wrong moods unto us. 🌳But the good news is that we all have an upper hand to be gold minners.🌳 We have the power to choose the best from the worst.🌳 Even when the situation seems unwanting, you have the power to dig gold from it. You have to be a gold minners. 🌳

Any thing can present itself today, but not everything should be take up today🌳. Everyone can be present today, good, gloomy or happy ; but not everyone should be embraced today.🌳 You shouldn't take much of your energy thinking about someone who has gone against your good mood🌳. You shouldn't think too much about someone who has showed he cares nothing about you today. 🌳Dig the gold in the day. 🌳Just let your thoughts run to people that have showed the love, they have shown the mood that you desire today.🌳 Let alone those that have deliberately taken on the lane of anger and bitterness.🌳

It is your good day today. Be glad in it and rejoice.... love, share, laugh. Dig all the gold in it.🌳 Even when it is rare, it will always be found.🌳

                GOD BLESS YOU.

  @Newrealms                       267th msg


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