IMMEASURABLE POSSESSION There is a mystery that baffles scientists a bit or greatly! "Where does the universe end.?💎 And are we alone in this seemingly unending universe?" 🎇 Many of the world's greatest scientist claim that we are not alone. Well, alone in what sense?.💎 There is life out there. Whatever you think is life is life somewhere else.🎇 To some few, life is anything that exhibits motion and movements. You will say that machine has life💎. After regaining such conscience, we say there is life else where in the universe...I mean things that are with motion. 🎇 But pretty much aware that they mean human beings and that most of them mean intelligent life forms, we will say it depends on what format you think...spirits or flesh; a replica of humans.💎 One thing I have come to believe is that the vast army of celestial bodies that linger out there are connected to mankind.🎇 When the Messiah was born, there was a star that was formed in the universe.....