There are over 8 billion people on this planet.π You had better imagined what a billion particles looks like. πEven when you use rice grains to heap a billion, it will look will weigh more than a kilogram.π What would it weigh when it's 10 billion.
Every single person on this "billion human" planet has their own show to make on earth.π Every one has their own dreams. Everyone has their own ambitions.π
The internet has brought the 8 billion to your finger tips. πYou can see what others in far worlds dream like.π You can see the progress of others else where. πYou see what achievements others have made in those other worlds. πEven if you were given all your life time to see everyone and their progress, you will not be able to get it all. πEven If you were given 80 years of sitting and counting progress per person of the 8 billion people, you will only count 2,529,792,000 people; that is taking one second to analyze each person. πEven if you were to count them , your life time on earth can't be enough to count the humans in our world. π
Because of seemingly endless personalities going through the internet we behold, we are inclined to feel that the owners of the show are other worldly beings.π We feel those that are reaping from the goodies of this world are people else where.π
But the fact that of all these billion people each is different from others, you have your own show to make.π
You don't need to look at the shows of others and feel lowly.π You don't need to seek for the authentication of your being among innumerable people before you realize your game is different.π Have it always that what is made on earth all plays a different show. Well, there may be similarities that you think exist.π But the fact being that we are all positioned at different corners of our planet, is the fact that we all have a difference to bring to the area of our existence.
You got to name your show.π It is easy to get through this world without having played the game to your tune. You need to name what your play is on our planet.π
In whatever way you go, know that God looks at you differently from the way you look at yourself.π There is a thing that is in you that is not found anywhere. πIt is that thing that draws strong lines of great difference from the rest. πMove your journey and don't lose the focus. π
@Newrealms 255th msg
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