There was a gentleman in a certain town🦞. He was a person who loved to venture out and find new knowledge and gain better wisdom🦾. He loved to do practicals and discover new findings. 🦞At one time, he wanted to know what happend if arm's nerves and blood are disconnected from the main brain.🦾 He was to carry out the experience with his arm.🦞 Whatever the results, he was the one to be affected.
He got a thin metallic line and strongly tied it on his wrist 🦾. He left it there for several days. Before he knew it, seven days had passed and his arm was pulling off the main body. 🦞If left for longer it was to drop off.
He couldn't touch or pull/push anything using the tied arm🦾. The arm was so weak that he felt paralyzed. 🦞If he didn't use the arm for an overdue time, it would be a lost arm.

🦾Whatever you don't use, you lose it!🦞

There are many times we have buried our greatness within us. 🦾We have buried our faith within. We have buried our talents within.🦞 We have buried courage. We have tied the inner riches with tight thin lines of fears and doubts. 🦾The words that people say that seem toxic have further tied what we are capable of doing.🦞 We have failed to go the extra miles just because of what we input into our mentality. 🦾

Sitting on the hero self that is within you will make you lose him one day. 🦞The several Arms that the almighty creator has set within you;-arms of courage, great vision, great manager, a self motivator; could be lost arms if you don't use them. 🦾If you don't use your faith, you will lose it, if you don't use your ability to see visions of the future, you will lose it. 🦞

The brain has been made in such a way that what is not being used for a given time will be dropped off.🦾 That is why it is easy to forget information that you take too long to review within your brain. 🦞The same way the brain drops off what is not used, is the same way your inner government drops off some of the things you sit on.🦾

Wake up today and stretch your spiritual muscles.🦞 Get into the dark and stretch light of powerful knowledge.🦾 Get into the void and recreate a world that the world desires. You are much able to do.🦞 The sets of abilities that lie within you are promising and can accomplish what you still don't know that you can🦾. Don't let them die. Don't let the talent die.🦞 Drown within you and use all that is set within.🦾

                         GOD BLESS YOU.

  @Newrealms                       252th msg


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