"They have disappointed me.πŸ’” They have thrown down all I owned. I had given them my whole heart. I loved them from the deepest of my heart.πŸ’Œ My soul always thought about them.πŸ€”
They eventually broke my heart. They lured all my dreams. I invested much of my emotions, resources and time but it turns out to be a throw-away... it's nothing.πŸ™…‍♀️ It is all over. They have broken my heart and now I have 'no heart'. Am now heartless. I will not walk in their paths.🀏 I will not go where they go. Am heartless." - Someone said.

There are many times persons collide with people through relationships.πŸ‘¨‍πŸ‘©‍πŸ‘¦‍πŸ‘¦ The friend you used to call friend is no longer friend.πŸ§‘‍🀝‍πŸ§‘ And to show that the bond was cut, you cannot attend in an atmosphere where they thrive. Many people have drawn lines where they go and where they can't just because of broken relations. 🀷
To make matters worse, within their hearts, they have drawn rough and tough decisions as to how they will lead their lives in enclosed space.πŸ™€ A world that was once big and jolly for them is now thin. 🀲

Because of the past experiences you had, you tend to line up your perceptions to limitations just to protect your conscience. πŸ‘©‍🏫Just to give an example of this; a lady had an experience for the fast time in a car accident. She survived it.🀨 She said she will never use cars. πŸ™…πŸΏ‍♀️She turned to planes. She there too had a scenario of crashing plane.🀷🏿 At the end she decided to stay at home and not move using any means. She made her world thin. 🀏🏿Unfortunately, she thought death is only by means of transport; little did she know that also death is at home. ✈️A plane came crushing from the sky and consumed her. 🧟

Having a past experience doesn't mean you should stop trying better means.🀹 Having a "bad" past relation with a friend doesn't mean you should stop loving and making friendship with others.πŸ‘₯ Having a failure in a given business doesn't mean that you should stop doing business.πŸ’°

 Failure is an opportunity for you to rise again, but this time; carefully.πŸŽ‘ Don't create thin worlds around you. Do set limitations that will make you live a miserable life on verandas.🀦 Life is too short on earth. Living it to the fullest in thin worlds is near impossible.πŸ™†πŸΏ

 Let go of past wrong experiences. 🚢They have taught you what to do next time. Just embrace the lesson and move on. ⛹️You will be surprised of finding a better alternative. 🌴You will be surprised at how your perception changes. Open up to the new worlds. πŸ˜„Let go of those that have hurt you. Actually, make them your good neighbors after friendship failed.πŸ‘£ Let your neighborhood be of cheer and happy morning greetings. πŸ™ Release the stress and open new pages. There is a world that awaits you. You have not known the goodness that lies there. Try new approach and expand your world.🌳

                     GOD BLESS YOU.

 # Simon kutosi.                          223th msg


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