Because life is seasonal, there are ups and there are downs.๐ŸŒณ You might have started out good, but on your way, you encounter challenges. ✊

It Is obvious that we encounter challenges. It's totally inhuman to run a life without challenges. It is spiritually unethical to start good and prevail in goodness alone.๐ŸŒณ Naturally, there will be a point where your soul is tried out and your spirit is tested .✊
Because of seemingly unending trials, many tend to give up even before they realize the goodness in what they have started. ✊Many give up on their families, many give up on their business, they give up on their careers, they give up on their friends.๐ŸŒณ

✊It is not the giving up on something to start somewhere else that necessarily solves a challenge; rather, it is the embracing the challenges that you encounter and running through them with bold character that yields success in the end.๐ŸŒณ
One thing that I have observed is that However much you run from one thing to the other just because of the challenges you encounter, the same weight of challenge will always follow you to the new venture. It may not be the same challenges but just the same measure.✊ It is your soul and your spirit that is tried and tested; it is not you business, it is not your job. ๐ŸŒณSo running from one job to the other just to dodge challenges is simply changing the version of challenge that you prefer to have...but the same weight will follow.✊

A rolling Stone collects no moth. ๐ŸŒณProverbs says that he that ignores what is just at the door and yet looks afar will not see success. ✊Running from one corridor to the other will let you have little. You will not collect enough moth.๐ŸŒณ
You therefore have not to give up.✊
Just continue what you have started. Continue doing that that gives God the glory. ๐ŸŒณThere is a ripe time. Ripe means ready. And ready is a word used to refer to something that has undergone a process to the end. 
My friend, bear the process. ๐ŸŒณThe end product of your life is much better than what you think you have now. ✊The end version of yourself is far much better than what you are at the moment. You may have prayed and yet you feel tired.๐ŸŒณ Remember that Hannah prayed until everything was ripe. Pray until the prayers are just ripe and ready.✊ Never give up on God because He never gives up on you. ๐ŸŒณAnd that what you do, never never never ever give up.

                       GOD BLESS YOU.

 # Simon kutosi.                          216th msg



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