In as much as you have a left hand and a right one, you have negatives and positives.π§ You have splendorous seasons and seasons of need. Weaknesses and strengths.π§
Your life is run on a beam of weakness against strength. There is a competition between the two.π§ One has to win at a time. There is no day where both your strengths and weaknesses play the ball. One has to be on ground. π§
Your life is two way sided. Don't chase after all-time perfection. π§Don't be frustrated if the perfect sculpture of life you wanted is not on play. Though we should strain for perfection, we cannot be perfect all time. You cannot be fully the person you want to be allover a sudden and all time.π§ You cannot be alright and not lagging. There is definitely a time of imperfection.π§
God put imperfection to place you at a stronger side. π§He wants you to glide your way through the imperfect world to where he wants you to be. π§He wants you to learn from your weaknesses and enter into new realms. π§Your failures are part of your journey. Don't regret failing. Failure is an opportunity for you start up again but this time with care and diligence.π§ Your left hand of life is important. No matter how many times you have failed , keep moving.
#Simon kutosi. 112th msg
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