

THE OCEAN STANZA     A girl had her island dieing.🌊 She was supposed to be the next in the lineage of leaders over the island. πŸ‘️The island was drained by a spirit that caused death and barrenness of plants and natural lives such as fish.🌳 To save the island, she had to travel a vast distance on the ocean to a place where the lives of islands was believed to thrive.🌊 A place of spirits. The spirits however were to be awakened by a heart that was believed to be stolen from the spiritsπŸ‘️. And it was believed that because that heart was stolen, evil spirits had the freedom to drain lives .🌳  The ocean had wrath, it could kill at will🌊. The girl who had to travel the vast of the oceans was not allowed to do so by his father and everyone who knew how dangerous the ocean was. πŸ‘️They knew evil spirits won't spare her at any point.🌳 But she was motivated to do so since it was the only way she could save her people and the dieing island.🌊 On her way, she encountered s


HIGH PAYING JOBS      The government is advertising this all the time, if you can have it, you earn.⚫ There is something that is produced from within to make the picture on the outside.⚫ There is something that boils on the inside that comes out as a picture.⚫ Have you ever wondered why the same people from the same institutions with the same course and awards may have very different incomes?⚫ "What is brought out from the inside differs". - is the answer! Different individuals bring out different values and elements.⚫ If someone else is earning a thousand dollars more than the other person, yet the reason is simply the elements within, then we should focus on that formula to have more for ourselves.⚫ It is obviously not the titles and awards from different backgrounds that earn you money. In our age , different corporates are looking for difference...and high value elements.⚫ The brains are different yet with similar structures and of course similar rules of ope


SHORT IS LONG. LONG IS SHORT    It is easy to take on a path that you think is right, yet in the end, it leads to nothingπŸ…. In the quest to become well off first...and fast enough to have all that one should have, many tend to take paths that seem to them the short cut to prosperity. We tend to have burning desire to get to our destination first and fast enough. 🌾 But have you realized that the destination of gold is not the same as that of clay.πŸ… Even though they both come from the same place, they go different directions for different purpose. 🌾But when we consider how gold is made within it's nests under the sheets of grounds, we will discover that gold takes far much time to form compared to clayπŸ…. Of course those of us who did some geography will agree that soil or clay is made from debris of can be formed within a few days.🌾 And when we look at what each of them is used for, we all know that gold is used for things that are meant to last longer an


AM WRITING HISTORY       Have you noticed how time "runs" fast? It is like we never knew what would happen tomorrow, but it is the day we dreamt of yesterday! 🏡️We laid plans for the two weeks to come, yet the two weeks came and passed. 🏡️We organized burial for the dead ...not long after a three weeks period that tilted us left and right , it is history.🏡️ Even those that have gone to be with the Lord were just here with us recently and now we call that a past ... Time is coming and time will go. 🏡️ Those that complain of Christ having taken long without coming will see Him come and the earth we live in now will be history.🏡️ Who knows the ultimate "goodies" Jehovah has prepared for the elect!  History is being made every minute.🏡️ Even the time I wrote this, I felt I should sleep but later the spirit told me, "this time will never ever come will be history".🏡️ That meant that if i slept, I would have sleep written in that hi


U SAW WHAT YOU REAP   It is obvious that you move. πŸ‡It is also obvious that you collect data from your "research". You have your questions and find answers out there.  There is alot that goes into you and there is alot that comes out of you. πŸ‘©‍πŸ”§ One thing that happens when you move through your environments is that you collect alot reap alot.πŸ‡ The people that you surround with and the things you are fond with shape the memories you rely on . What you reap is what you saw. What is you saw is what you reaped.πŸ‘©‍πŸ”§  The many things that we tend to do depend on the memories that we have. You were born not knowing anything and could not do much πŸ‡. But as time goes on, you have known alot and can do alot. What you can do and what you are doing all are products of what you have always reaped.πŸ‘©‍πŸ”§ It is important to see that you have the environment that will give you a neat harvest.πŸ‡ Even the Bible says that when you walk with the foolish, you too will beco


MAKE YOUR OWN FREQUENCIES You know, we never know whether we are wonderfully made or badly made. Of course you may say you know that fact well.🌾 We only have it that way because the creator has made us to think along that art.😁 Even those that may think they are not , they only have that strange power of thought simply because they compare and contrast to other fellow beings🌾. If we had various human categories made and spread throughout the universe, then we would know which human kind is beautiful. But the creator is wise, he made his own frequencies. 😁 He set the rule. And because He is able to create His own frequencies even out of thin air, we as those created on His own image have the ability to create frequencies.🌾 There are alot of things that we believe and are driven to do just because we have forced our minds to believe them that way.😁 Many lives have gone given directions simply because they have chosen a given frequency to flow along.🌾 There are those th


SATURATED FOR CHANGE There is a moment that comes...a moment that you had been waiting for.🌾 The moment comes and sets everything new. It makes you feel the happiness you need.πŸ… But such a moment has been growing in history till it comes ready for you. The tree that was once bear grows a couple of flowers. 🌾The flowers set out a number of fruits. The fruits look raw and unready for consumptionπŸ…. But time becomes key ingredient. Time comes and goes so fast. In that time, the tree releases alot of nutrients and water to saturate the fruits. 🌾The inputs make the fruit undergo change from time to time. Time comes fast and goes fast. The fruits are ripe and are ready for consumption.πŸ… It is evident in the above that the consumption and enjoyment of the ripe fruits didn't happen overnight.🌾 A lot of energy was put into making the thing happen. The fruit went through several processes to become what the end user wanted.πŸ… The fruit became saturated. The life we live oft